5. Daddy's Little Princess

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“I’m home!”  I yelled walking through the front door.  My father was there in an instant.  He lifted my twirling me around while I giggled.

“How’s daddy’s little princess?”  I smiled hiding the rush of emotions that turned my stomach.  Mate.  Something I would tell everyone about.  Mates were to be cherished.  If your mate was human then it got a bit tricky.  The explaining and then they don’t see you as mate.  But to be mated to a wolf was the most horrible thing to happen.  They were our enemies.  It isn’t really talked about when it happens.

“Fine,” I muttered as he put my feet more firmly on the floor.  

“Just fine?  Well, I’ll have to fix that.”  He took me by the arm leading me into our huge kitchen and setting me on a stool.  Getting a big bowl out of the cabinet, I straightened up.  He was making me an ice cream sundae!  My father made the best sundaes.  Chocolate cookie dough ice cream, my favorite, was scoped into the bowl.  He then proceeded to add chocolate syrup and then chocolate chips with a banana sliced up.  Then he put a mountain of whipped cream and three cherries.  

“Now tell daddy what’s wrong.”  I sighed. 

“School is hard work.  Can’t I just drop out?”  That would make all my problems go away, or at least for a while.

“I’m okay with it.  I miss you when you’re at school.  But you know the last time we tried to let you drop out your mother got in the way.”  He pouted and I laughed.  My father would do anything for me.  It was true I had asked to drop out before and my father was all for it.  My mother had other views though.  My dad’s augment was that I didn’t need school.  I would stay in this pride my whole life. 

 My mom- What about when she get’s eighteen?  She needs to work.

Dad- The hell she does!  My baby doesn’t need a job.  I’ll support her for the rest of her life.  My little princess will never have to work.  She’s too good to work.

Mom- You spoil her!

Dad- No!

Mom- Yes!

It went on like this.  Lance walked in having seen my sundae he came forward.

“Where’s mine?  Maybe I had a bad day too.”  My father gave him an unsympathetic look.

“No eating before dinner.  You know your mother hates that.”  

“What about Lena?!”  

“That’s different,” I rolled my eyes.  I don’t know why Lance tries; my father was the best father ever.  He loved my brothers and spoiled them too.  But they weren’t me.  I was his princess.  

“I love you daddy,” I said to stop them from fighting.  Lance rolled his eyes with a disgusted look on his face.

“I love you too,” My father’s face was glowing as he looked at me.  I gave him a sweet smile.  Lance huffed at me stealing the attention and walked out muttering something.

“Night mom, night daddy,” I told them giving them both a kiss before retreating to my room.  I plugged my IPod into its dock, putting it on shuffle.  Right before I fell asleep the song Sweet Dream by Beyonce came on.  I smiled thinking about my mate.

Skinny jeans and tight black v-neck t-shirt with a blue tank underneath, was that good enough?  I knew I’d see my mate.  Though I shouldn’t care I wanted to look good.  I wanted to look good without appearing like I really cared.  I left my hair down and put on some heels.  Packing a bag for gym class and applying some lip gloss and I was ready.

I walked into English and sat down in the seat I had sat the day before.  I tensed when Brandon walked in and slowly made his way to the seat beside me.  I looked at his neck to see that my hicky was gone.  I had assumed it would be.  Weres heal so quickly.  He threw me a cocky smile before turning to the front of the room.  I huffed; fine if he didn’t want to talk about it I wouldn’t bother him.  

When lunch came around I realized how much I missed my best friend.  She was human but knew all about Weres.  She was on a late vacation and wouldn’t be back for another three weeks.  There weren’t a lot of lionesses in my pride and I didn’t get along with any of them so Leah was my only girl friend.  Since she wasn’t here I made my way to a table with my other friends, all guys, and all werelions.  I sat in between Lance and his best bro Spencer.  

“Hey babe, I’ve missed your beautiful face.”  I rolled my eyes at Spencer and his antics.

“Spence, you saw me yesterday at school, and before that like every day when you came over.”  He smiled he loved it when I called him Spence.

“I know I went all night without you though.  You know maybe you should come over one night.  I bet I could keep you entertained.”  He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I put a hand to my mouth to cover my giggle.  

“Please don’t say those things when I’m here.”  My brother said without looking at either of us.

“You could always leave?”  Spencer questioned.

“Wow.  You sure are a nice bro.”

“The best.”  Spencer looked at me then, “I’m the best at everything I do.”  I giggled again making Lance grunt and get up to take his tray.

“I thought he’d never leave,” Spence said before leaning over to whisper sweet nothings into my ear making me blush.


I watched from a few tables away as that boy said funny things to my mate making her laugh.  He said sweet things that made her blush.  That was my job.  Weres were protective of their mates, especially alphas.  I didn’t like that kid.  I knew he was my mate’s twin’s best friend but I couldn’t take it.  I let out a growl.  It wasn’t loud enough for everyone to turn.  Most of the time someone was growling being in close conduct to our enemies.  We always growl to low for the humans to hear.  My mates head snapped up.  She knew it was me growling.  Her eyes sought out mine and when she saw that I was looking at her her eyes widened.  Then she smiled slightly, making my heart burst, and a small blush formed on her cheeks.  She looked good today.  With those skin tight jeans and shirt.  Showing off all her curves and she had a lot to show.  Her golden hair, that looked to be made of the same material of the sun showered down her back in soft waves.  

She pulled away from the boy, I think his name was Spencer, and leaned more into the boy on her right.  I was ok because that was her brother.  I had to talk to her.  She couldn’t think flirting was alright.  No matter if we accepted being mates or not.  




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