16. Team Spencer

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I walked into school and sniffed looking for my Lena.  I was tired of the wait.  She knew I liked her it’s not as if I hid it.  I gave up my prime years that I could be sleeping around like Lance for Lena and still she doesn’t show me any love.  Sometimes she acts as if she likes me and other times she hung up on that fucking werewolf Phil or whatever the damn mutt’s name was.  Since he left she has been closer to me and I thought by the end of the first week of school we would be together.  She acted as if that’s what she wanted but then she started to become distant.  I knew that I could change her mind.  I must have done something.  Lance thinks, and yeah I’ve told my best friend I want his sister, that she might think I only want her for a good time and should show her different.  So I did the sappiest and most embarrassing thing I could….I wrote her something.  I don’t know for sure if it’s a poem more like a confirmation of my love.  I was supposed to go home with her today.  Well with Lance but he said he needed another night to figure himself out before seeing Leah again.  It will be tough seeing the first girl you ever loved walking around acting like what you had was nothing.  I felt for my best friend.  He said he was going to try winning her back.  I told him just to leave her alone.  Some day he will find his mate and forget her and then he threw in my face the same thing would happen to me about Lena.  I got mad but now I see where he is coming from.  I don’t think even my mate could stop my thoughts and love for Lena. 

                There she was my Lena.  In all her glorious beauty.  She wore ripped jeans showing off parts of her amazing legs and a see-through Spiderman shirt.  It was as if she was sending me a message or God was.  Saying go for it.  I bought her that shirt because she loved Spiderman so much.  He was our favorite superhero.  We watched the movies together and everything.  Her golden curls where around her head giving her the appearance of an angel.  She smiled at me when she saw me and the world around me blurred.  It was like I was in one of those clichéd high school movies where when the boy and girl meet eyes all the students walking around seem to blur and everything was in slow motion.  Where the girl is bathed in lights and then the camera zeroes in on their faces and then their connected eyes.  They crowd watching give an awwww as they realize love at first sight.  I smiled back and took in the dimples on each cheek and her soft pink lips curved up at each corner.  Her eyes sparkled and when I reached her the dumbest thing possible passed over my brain disregarding it and came straight out of my stupid cheesy mouth. 

“Your eyes are blue like the ocean, and baby I’m lost out at sea.”  Instead of frowning and turning away she giggled placing a hand over those delectable lips. 

“Cute,” she said and caused me to smile.

“I’ve got more,” when she didn’t object I went on.  “Is there something in your eye?  Oh, wait it’s just a sparkle.”  I gave her a cheeky grin as she giggled again.  There was an audible cough beside her and I looked over noticing the girl who caused my best bro all his troubles.  She looked good but then again she always did.  “Sorry Leah didn’t notice you there.”  I smiled sheepishly at her in apology. 

                “No doubt your eyes were on something else entirely,” she said giving me a knowing smile.  I should give Leah more credit she knew more and saw more than she let on too. 

                “Where’s Lance?”  Lena asked me dragging my attention back to her. 

                “Didn’t feel up to coming today.”  I said glancing at Leah noting her slight frown at that.  Lena caught the look.

                “You knew too!”  I looked at her surprise.  “You knew that Leah and Lance were dating?  How did everyone know but me?”  She questioned herself as her forehead crinkled up adorably. 

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