18. Twins

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I walked into the living room and laid a blanket over my passed out drunk brother.  Then tired and mentally wore I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom where I laid in bed not able to sleep for my mind was over thinking.

The next morning I walked downstairs at about eleven.  It was a little late for me but I had had a long night.  Cooking some lunch for my brother and me, I waited patiently for him to wake up.

Finally the smell of food woke him and drove him to the kitchen.  I wasn’t too bad hung over.  That’s the luck of Weres.  We can get drunk and feel the buzz but we heal fast enough so no hang over.  I did not know if it was a betrayal of trust but Lance needed to know about Leah.  She never told me not to tell I guess because she knew that was the true friend thing to do.  Leah was like a sister to me but Lance was my twin brother.  I would have told him even if she had forbidden it. 

“Lance?”  I said while he scarfed down my food hungrily and I picked at it.  “I need to tell you something…”

“Okay thank God I thought you would never come clean and tell me who your mate was.”  I stared at him wide-eyed and started stuttering.  “I know you have one.  I got this feeling in my bones and then I started getting a metal imagine of howling.  Therefore, I went to the old text.  This happens with twins, when the other finds their mate you feel a tingling go through you.  The howling represented a werewolf.  So I know you’re probably ashamed of him-”

“I am not ashamed of him!”  My lioness growled out before I could control it.  Lance smiled as if it was all confirmed. 

“So who is it?  Hopefully a lower ranking wolf so Brandon might let him go so we can bring him to the Pride.” 

“What do you mean Brandon let him go?  I thought the Alpha had to do that.”

“He is the new Alpha.  He has been for a couple months.  Wow, your mate didn’t tell you that.  Where do his loyalties lie?  I found this out very recently it’s very hushed up.”  Lance took my hands in his looking into my eyes.  “If he trusted you like a mate should then he would have told you Lena.  Maybe you shouldn’t be with him.”  I knew what he said was all true but it hurt me that it was true.  If Brandon really loved me, he would trust me.  Trust me with his biggest secret.  That didn’t stop me from lashing out and wanting to hurt Lance like he did me though.

“Well, who’s going to want a mate with a child?!”  He looked at me surprised and confused.  “When you find your mate, whose going to tell her that you got a girl pregnant?!”  He clearly didn’t understand and then realization dawned on his face.

“What?  You know?  And she’s…?”  I shook my head at him. 

“You are the one who should have told me and she just might be.”

“I have to go,” he said standing and going toward the kitchen door.  I could not believe what I had just done.

“Wait, don’t go!”  I said horror leaking into my voice.  “I didn’t mean it I do not even know what girl we are talking about!”  He obviously did not believe me.  Without another glance at me, he stormed out of the house in search of Lena.  It didn’t matter if she was home or not.  He was the best tracker in the pride, he’d find her.

Picking up my phone I knew I had to warn her.




Sorry it's been so long please tell me what you think and what you think will happen. :)  i love plot twist and who says mates are forever...


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