13. The Secret

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Brandon looked up in surprise but didn't move.  I tried to keep my breathing under control as my claws sharped.  The girl got off my mate and stood across from me.  She gave me a small smile before she darted forward and engulfed me in a hug.  I hugged Leah back as Brandon sat stunned watching from the ground.  

"I thought you weren't coming home until tomorrow?"  I asked her breaking away from her embrace.

"We got back early because the 'rents wanted to see your parents before they left."

"My parents knew!"

"Yeps," she said smiling.  "I told them I wanted to surprise you and so I told Lancer to leave too.  I didn't know you had company."  Leah said turning to Brandon who had gotten up.  

"Leah," Brandon said in a friendly tone.  I suddenly remembered what good friends they were.  Leah is a Hunter.  Her whole family is.  They hunt the Weres who are bad... like Weres that kill humans.  They try to keep peace between Werelions and Werewolves.  A family of Hunters are put with a pack or pride of Weres.  Leah's family are the peace keepers for mine and Brandon's pack/pride.  Saying that she gets to know the leaders of each one.  She met my family and Brandon's when she was very young.  She became close to us all but closest to me, the only girl.  Her and Brandon still text and stuff but since high school started haven't been very close because he bullied me.  I guess that meant now they could rekindle the friendship they once shared.  I was happy about that but also it made me insanly jelous.  Leah was outrangerously beauitful and cool where I wasn't.  Her fiery red waves falling around her face.  Her soft skin and two different colored eyes.  One eye was a grayish blue while the other was a forest green.  She had high cheekbones and full lips and almond-shaped eyes.  She was also shapely.  She had melon size chest and nice sized hips.  Not too big but not too small either.  She had somewhat of an athletic build. Plus she was a sterotypical Were.  When you read Werewolf stories the Weres are all athletic, even as humans, that's how Leah is.  She has to be with her Hunter statis.  

"Yes, Brandon?" Leah questioned him.

"I thought you were in France," He looked at me and inched my way.

"I was.  And it was wonderful by the way.  I love everything french.  French fries, no just kidding, I love french bread, french mustages, french men, french accecnts, and diffenently french kisses!"  Leah left July 1st for her trip to France.  It was a Hunter thing that her parents were going to but knowing how much their daughter was obessed with french things took her with them.  She missed my July 10th birthday and I missed her July 31st one.  We didn't get to hang out hardly all summer and missed our first days as Juniors together.  

"Did you french kiss a lot of french boys?"  I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not really... I french kissed a ton of french men!  Yum!  I met so many.  I got to know about three of them personally.  The guy that lived beside my family and I, the guy who worked in the chocolate shop-he gave me free candy- and the guy who worked at some bakery that I loved."

"It's always food and men for you!  Lance and you are so alike.  He only thinks of girls and food too."  Her eyes widen and her mouth fell open and I tried to think of what I said to upset her.

"Never say that again!  Lance and I have nothing in common!  Except our hatred toward one another.  I hate him and he hates me!"  

"What?  I thought you were friends?  You talk all the time."  I feel as if Lance talks to Leah more than he does to me.    She came closer.

"I need to tell you something," she had the sadest most guiltiest look on her face I actually reached for her.  I put my hands on top of her shoulders and held her still in front of me.  

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