24. The Mated Truth

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"So how you holding up with all your injuries?" I asked Leah as we sat on my bed. She held her hand out for me to paint her nails.

"You know I am dealing with it. It's hard some times with the whole wheelchair and everything." With two sprained ankles Leah could not walk even with crutches. She also had her first appointment with her baby doctor yesterday that I took her to. Lance wasn't allowed to go because Leah thought we needed to talk. We discussed mates and what I should do. I used to love Spencer and Phillip and yes some part of me still loved them but not the way I had before. My love for them was like a light bulb compared to the sun of my love for Brandon. Brandon was my mate too. Spencer and Phillip having not found their mates yet were not mine. They could never be mine.

"What are you going to do about Lance?" I asked as I finished painting her nails turquoise.

"I really am not sure what I am going to do yet. I love him very much but I know that since he hasn't found his mate yet it is selfish of us to remain together. Though while I was in my coma all I could think about was him and when I woke up he was the first thing I asked for. He will have a mate someday and it won't be me. It kills me but we are having a baby and I can't leave like I planned to before. I cannot take his baby from him and let our child grow up fatherless." She spoke well beyond her years. If it were me I would cry and pout. I would probably be angry at the father for putting me in this situation but when I mentioned that she said it takes two to tango.

"I cannot wait to be an aunt!" I said smiling at her and breaking the tension in the room. There was a knock at my door and looking over I saw Lance creak it open. His eyes instantly fell upon Leah which now that I think back he had always done. He made sure she was okay and checked her out a little.

"Mom and dad want to see both of you."

"Can you carry Leah downstairs to her wheelchair?" I asked and smiling Lance opened his arms for her which she allowed. Once we were downstairs Lance placed Leah on the couch and I sat beside her. I saw Ron and Jonas in the doorway while mom and dad just stood in the middle of the room with their eyes on the three of us.

"Leah we want to first say how relieved we are to see you better. We were extremely worried about you. Lance how dare you knock her up! I thought I told you how to use a condom-"

"Robert!" My mother exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Sorry darling," taking a deep breath his eyes shifted to me. "Now, my only daughter, are you going to tell us who your mate is now?" I knew I couldn't hide it in any longer. I had discussed it with Brandon and he said that I should probably inform my parents of him and then if they allowed it he would like to come meet them. I still had not told him that my parents were the King and Queen of our Pride and hoped he would not be too upset.

"My mate is....a wolf." My mother, father, and two older brothers gasped and Jonas snarled.

"We can make it through this," my mother said. "Is he low ranking so we can bring him over to the Pride?" Leah broke out laughing as I fidgeted with my shirt end and mumbled.

"No, he isn't low ranking."

"What rank is he then?" My father asked looking me over but I refused to meet his eyes.

"It's Brandon Benet the Alpha."

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