Chapter 7

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I knew I had to keep Charlie's attention long enough for Dennis to do whatever he was going to do. I was nervous, I grabbed Charlie's dick and started to stroke him, he liked that type of shit. I felt him getting hard through his pants, I seen a light come on inside of Jason's house. I panicked and got on my knees and started unzipping Charlie's pants that's when I felt his body go limp. I didn't know that Dennis had shot through the head. I jumped up and almost screamed. When, I got my thoughts together, my brother was nowhere insight, I looked down and Charlie was gone. " I'm tripping, this is a fucked up dream! Please let it be a dream!" I walked back to the front door and turned the knob. Jason startled me, he was about to walk out of the house. " hey Baby, I was worried I thought you left" I hugged him so tight I thought he was going to pop. He asked me what was wrong, I ignored his question and lead him to the room. I just wanted this nightmare to be over. I got a text from Dennis " He's sleep with the Crocs. Go to sleep. Love you." I took a deep breathe and sighed. I needed sleep but I couldn't find it, I didn't want sex... Just a piece of mind

I just really need a piece of mind my heart was racing there were a million thoughts going through my head my mind telling me to relax but I can't my body is so tense I replay what just happen in my head Charlie's dead now I should be happy but I don't know how to feel, Jason looks at me. "Baby Are You Okay You Seem Tense." Jason touches my shoulder & I cringe a lil I didn't know what was happening to me I should be happy but I'm not, Jason held me & my body started to feel warm & I begin to relax he didn't ask questions he just held me & I felt comfortable two hours later sleep finally found me & for the first time I slept comfortably knowing my trouble was over well at least one of them. I slept normal for a few hours then images of Charlie's dead body begin to pop in my head I woke up & looked over at Jason who was still asleep I slowly got up & headed to the bathroom I looked in the mirror. "What Is Wrong With Me Am I Gonna Live With This Guilt Forever?"

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