Just A Thought

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Chapter 3.


Pit had runned for a while now, tying to get away from the view of Dark Pit.

"Just one more..."

<p>Pit's head was swirling in a cycle of thoughts and images.

He could still feel his darker self's lips on his own, even though he was really far away.

Pit's legs stung in pain from how long he was running. This made him stop in front of Palutena's Temple.

Panting and gasping for air Pit had to nearly drag his body in the floor to get inside the temple.

Badly hurt and really exhausted Pit arrived to his room, closing the door behind.

Pit clenched his fist and jumped on his bed, hizzing a little about the injuries.

He grabbed a pillow and burried his face in it, sobs could be heard softly, until the sobs were muffled roars.

Pit gripped the pillow and threw it across the room, hitting and breaking a vase that Palutena had for him in the room.

Pit curled up and grabbed his head, whispering to himself some NOs

"No no no no no... this cannot be happening..."

Pit rocked himself back and forth, he just kissed someone. Not a girl, but a guy. A Guy!

This was not right for him, it just, it wasn't.

Or was it?

"IS NOT RIGHT!!" Pit screamed in rage and regret.

"Why didn't I do something to stop him from kissing me?! Just why?!"

Pit had so much regret and anger that lead him away from sanity.

He tried to calm himself by the thought of getting a shower.

Getting up from the bed, he walked to his closet and grabbed some blue-ish white pijamas.

He grabbed a towel and went to take a shower.

Pit put his clean clothes along with towel in the sink, then turned on the shower with coldish warm water. He slowly undressed because he felt in his arms a burn from the inside of the muscle.

He grabbed his dirty, ripped off and bloody toga and threw it in a basket the bathroom had for already used clothes.

He slowly walked passed by a large mirror, allowing him to see his body in the reflection.

But Pit's eyes were closed, afraid of what the mirror would reveal. He shook his head and walked into the bathub.

Pit sighed, he dived his head in the water for him to wash his hair.

He grabbed a shampoo and poured it in his hand. Putting the shampoo bottle back on its place, he placed his hands on his hair and began to rub it.

Feeling relaxed he closed his eyes once again, in a split second his blocked vision showed images of a crawling Dark Pit, his eyes showed hunger and thought.

Pleading to stop, Dark Pit already shut his mouth by a kiss. In the middle of it, a hand acted as a snake and landed on Pit's member area.

Pit's eyes shot open trying to cut the scene his eyelids had showed him. Shampoo soap went in his eye, stinging.

"Aoh!" Pit quickly rubbed his eye with some water, seconds later it stopped aching.

Pit rinsed his hair to wash the shampoo away. Sighing once again, he stood up to get out of the bathub. A growl, he was hungry.

Pit grabbed the clean towel, dried his hair and himself. He moved his legs to walk but his legs felt numb, loosing balance.

"Woah!" Pit could grab the sink before he could faceplant the floor, he let go of the sink and sat on the floor.

"Wh-What's–?" Pit got confused but his answer was just right between his legs.

He got excited.

PITCEST (Kid Icarus / Pitcest)(Broken English)Where stories live. Discover now