Apologies For What Use?

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After what Pit, Dark Pit and Palutena went through of the last event, Pit and Dark Pit kept in their own rooms while Palutena did her own daily Goddess duties.

One night, Pit was in Dark Pit's room. They switch each night who is staying in who's room. The two angels were on the bed, one cuddled up in the blankets while the other was reading a book.

Pit shifted on his spot to look at Dark Pit: "Hey, Dark Pit..."

Dark Pit looked from the book to his lighter self: "Yes, Pit?"

"I haven't spoken with Palutena for weeks now, should I apologize to her for what I said and stuff that happened last time?"

Dark Pit remembers that event as if it had happened yesterday. He still feels proud of his lighter angel for standing up for his ownself. Dark Pit sighed: "Pit, I honestly think that it can be quite a bad idea." Dark Pit got a bookmark for the book to keep on a mark of where he last read.

Pit got in a sitting position, facing his darker self: "But I think that things would get worse if I don't do it sooner..." Pit gave the worried look. Not this again.

Dark Pit grunted at Pit's expression. He hated when Pit used the worried look. Dark Pit sighed again while getting his own hand on Pit's, gripping it slightly: "Alright, Pit. I respect your decisions, I am just very worried of what Palutena might do to you. She is a goddess, yes. But who know what is she able to do to."

Pit smiles noticing how concerned Dark Pit is with him, that is why he loves him very much.

"Do not worry, Dark Pit. Me and Palutena were working together for a very long time. She hasn't done anything bad to me in the entire time we've been together." Pit's smile gets bigger while he leans in to kiss Dark Pit on the cheek.

"Don't worry, Dark Pit. I'm sure everything will go fine. I promise to you that." Pit nods, Dark Pit smiles a bit.

"I trust you, Pit..." Dark Pit gets a hand up to Pit's face to carees his face.

Pit leaned on Dark Pit's hand and smiled even more while closing his eyes. Dark Pit leaned in to kiss him on the lips. Pit melted at the darker self's touch.

The two broke the kiss and Pit stood up: "I will speak to her to apologize her. I may take some time for the process, so do not wait for me awake." Pit slowly walked through the door, closing it behind the back. Dark Pit sighed once again and lastly, and leaned backwards to take a nap while Pit comes back.


Meanwhile, Pit was walking down the hallway to see if Palutena was on the living room.

She wasn't there, maybe in her room?


Probably at the kitchen, bingo.

Pit walked to the kitchen and saw a lot of green.

Palutena was washing the dishes and huming Pit's victory song. Pit smiled at her humming remembering those good times.

Pit walked in the kitchen and knocked on the wall: "Knock knock."

"Who's there~?" Palutena turned around and smiled: "Oh, hello Pit. Why are you awake now? You're supposed to be sleeping, no?" Palutena put the sponge on the sink she was using to clean the plates and walked towards Pit to give him a big, bear hug.

"P-Palutena, I can't- Breath-!" Pit was struggling to get off her grip, he forgot how tight she usually hugs him.

"Oh, I'm very sorry Pit." She lets go of him: "What's the matter? Did you need something? It's very late and you usually sleep like a cat at this time of the night."

Pit found this very odd.

"Oh, yeah, Lady Palutena. I just, been thinking a lot lately. And... I just wanted to apologize about what happened between us at the living room weeks ago." Pit held his arm behind his head, he looked at Palutena and was a bit shocked:

Palutena had a confused look: "Apologize? About what happened weeks ago? What are you speaking, Pit? Nothing didn't happened, silly angel~." Palutena poked Pit's nose playfully. Pit was confused as well.

"Oh, well. Then, that must have been things I've been over thinking. Well, that was everything I needed Lady Palutena. I will go to bed now, good night." Pit slowly walked away while waving at her.

Palutena waved back: "Good night Pit, sleep well~." Palutena got into washing the rest of the dishes.


Pit ran through the hall to his own room to find his laurel crown. When he found it, he put it on his head and spoke:

"Viridi, are you there? I need to talk to you about something!" Pit was anxious.

Viridi finally spoke: "What's wrong Pit? Aren't you supposed to be slee-?" She got interrupted.

"Nevermind that, Vi. Have you got any idea of what happened to Lady Palutena? Because she doesn't seem to remember what happened weeks ago between me and her."

Viridi cleared her throat: "Jeez, you definetly had to get out of your room. She had an accident."

Pit got surprised: "A... An accident?"

"Well, yeah. She slipped and hit her head, making her lose memory of some recent moments. What happened between you two, for example and on how she wanted to get you two separated."


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