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Slamming the door behind, Pit started to walk side to side; back and forth, as if he was impatient but he wasn't.

Small sobs could be heard from his face.

Pit finally sat down in his bed, crying his eyes out.

'I wish at least I did something to make Dark Pit stop his tracks and stop him from kissing me and make him realise that it was bad what he did. But I was weak in that moment and now I'm like this because of that... It's all my fault...'

The sobbing got louder, a dimed light flashed in the room. Pit had his face down covered by his arms for him to notice the lightning:

"Tears releases pain but tears are not always the cure..."

Pit looked to his side, his eyes opened a bit wide:

"... Lady Palutena? Why are you in my room?"

"Your enlighted atmosphere had dissapeared from my presence. I got worried and I wanted to check you up. You are not fine, is something bothering you, Pit? Tell me anything, I listen."

Palutena sat down in his white, gold and red bed, Pit tried to look calm but his eyes wanted to cry even more.

"Is... Is just- ga'h... Is hard to say..." Pit covered his eyes with one hand, he leaned forward using his elbow to support his face on his knee.

Palutena pulled Pit into a hug, Pit again cried in her chest.

Palutena got her chin in his head and passed her hand in the hair, trying to comfort Pit in his sorrowfull sobs.

"Ssh, Pit. Everything is alright, you can tell me whatever its in your head. A little bit might be fine, just try to calm down, Ok?" Palutena gave Pit a small kiss in his forehead.

Pit breaked the hug and wipped his tears as much as he could.

"... Is just... Something happened early today... Dark Pit challenged me to a fight but it got so wrong we got on top of each other and accidentaly kissed... Dark Pit wanted to feel more about that new emotion and he stole another kiss against my will..." Pit tried to make a summary about what happened just some minutes ago.

"Dark Pit did what? I will go talk to hi-"

"No please, Lady Palutena... There's more."

Palutena sat down and noded: "Ok, keep on going then,"

Pit swallowed nervously, he felt that Palutena would do something to him by what he was about to say. So he skipped the icecream part.

"...Just about 30 minutes ago, I got in Dark Pit's room, and I saw him almost half naked in the shower, he was wearing a towel just in case. And I got that moment as an opportunity. So, against his own will I kind of 'sexually' assaulted him..." Pit lowered his head as he continued. 

Palutena's eyebrows went up, shocked on what he just said.

"And I went too far, I almost raped him... But then I realised he was telling me to stop. At the last minute I actually did stop and I told him that: that was the feeling I got when you kissed me for the second time when I did not wanted you to do it, and I left his room and ran back here..."

Pit incorporated himself into a ball and cried again. He totally did something wrong and felt that Palutena would punish him along with Dark Pit.

Palutena sighed heavily, stood up and tapped her staff in the floor.

This made Pit jolt in surprise, he looked at Palutena.

Her face showed seriousness and concern.

His heart pounded rather quickly.

He expects the worst.

PITCEST (Kid Icarus / Pitcest)(Broken English)Where stories live. Discover now