Helping With The Dishes

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"Palutena, allow me to help you with those

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"Palutena, allow me to help you with those."

I turned around to see a figure standing on the door. I sighed in relief noticing it was Dark Pit. Right on time, there is a lot of dishes to wash.

"You're right on time, Pittoo. I sent Pit to sleep because he was exhausted from eating a lot. I'll wash them and you dry them, okay?" I smiled at him but I noticed he was holding something shiny, but I did not put a lot of attention to it. We had work to do and I wanted to sleep.

"Alright, Palutena." He stood aside me and grabbed a piece of cloth. I started to clean some plates, putting them on the side so that Dark Pit could dry them.

It was very quite between us, I was used to it anyways. When Pit is in a bad mood he gives the silent treatment all the time.

"Why did it last this long?"

That question broke my concentration. I looked at the dark one who was frozen in place, holding a plate and looking at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the entire universe.

I cleared my throat by not speaking for a while, I chuckled by the reason:

"Pit didn't want to leave the table until all food was entirely gone." At this moment I lost it. My sides hurt because of the laughter. Until I calmed myself down I noticed that Dark Pit has not even moved an inch from his place.

He was like a statue, it was scary. He scares me sometimes.

"Uh-huh... Is there another reason why?"

I swallowed nervously. I felt as if he could read my mind.

"W-well, nothing else really. That is the majority of the reason." I chuckled nervously, my hands were slightly shaking.

Another awkward moment of silence, the air felt heavy and tense. It was very uncomfortable. All I want now is to get done with the dishes and run to my bed. I rubbed the sponge on the plate and rinsed the soap off as fast as I could. But something made me slow down.

"Pit this..."

I held the sponge on my hand tightly, what was he doing? Why is he giving me this, eerie feeling?

"Pit that..."

His voice sounded raw at that moment. Dry, emotionless. I wanted to get out now.

"U-um, you know? It's very late and I'm tired myself. Why don't you go to bed as well? I'll finish this tomorr-"

I felt a sharp pain on my back, he had pinned me against the wall. A metalic cold object was on my throat only inches away.

"Pittoo?! Wh-what are you doing-?!"

His eyes were daggers by now. It hurt my eyes just by looking at them.

"Pit this... Pit that... Is that your only reason for everything?!"

His face was full of rage, I could not read anything else but rage.

"You were saying stuff about me in that table, weren't you?! I know you did. And you were trying to manipulate him as well!"

I could not think anymore, I was very scared. What was he talking about?! I have no clue on what is going on on this guy's head, but it's not good at all!

"Pittoo, what are you talking about?! I did not do anything to Pit-!"

"Don't you dare say his name anymore. You disgust me. I am very sorry, but I will not allow you to even BREATH on the same room he is in!"

A sharp painful feeling went on my throat. I could taste a bitter liquid on my mouth.

I felt myself drop to the floor, I could barely breath. The world was turning darker and darker, I could barely hear sounds. But the only thing I could last hear, was his raw voice.

"I will not allow you get between US."


And by this moment,

The writer has realized,

Dark Pit was full on yandere.



PITCEST (Kid Icarus / Pitcest)(Broken English)Where stories live. Discover now