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Pit stood in the middle of the living room, thinking about some things.

His stomach growled. Hungry already? Oh well.

Pit walked down the hall to the kitchen but he made a sudden stop at a door.

Dark Pit's room. Earlier he said that he was going to get a shower.

Pit looked both his sides to make sure none intruders saw him getting in that specific room. He held the door knob and quietly as possible turn it open.

Pit got in the room and closed the door, he heard the shower on. Aha.

Pit walked to the bathroom and opened the door. Dear goddess.

Pit tried not to let his mouth hang open, he quickly got to reality and walked to the shower.

He wanted to be sneaky to scare Dark Pit.


"G'AH!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dark Pit screeched like a little girl and almost fell off balance:

"What the fuck, Pit?! Why are you in my toilet instead of your own?!" Dark Pit used his wings to cover up his "own".

"Aw, c'mon Dark Pit. I'm bored as heck and I want to have a little bit of fun." Pit pouted.

Dark Pit gave the death stare:

"Do you want us to get in trouble or something?! 'Cuz I do not want to."

"No I'm not! I just want to have my own time with you, since we cannot fight any longer" Pit got in the shower, not bothering still having his clothes on.

Dark Pit leaned to the wall: "What are you-?"

Pit got DANGEROUSLY close to him, and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, I'll be more quicker in this one..."

Dark Pit had a chill down the spine, this was unexpected.

"Ga'h, Pit... Hold up a minute..."

"Please, I do not want to waste the day-without-adult time..." Pit licked his ear, earning a groan from the dark one.

Pit kissed Dark Pit full, making the dark one gasp a bit.

Pit took this as opportunity for him to explore again the other's mouth. He trail his tounge all over the mouth, hitting the sweet spot. Dark Pit made another grunt.


Then, Pit took his hands on Dark Pit's bare chest. Pit started to massage Dark Pit's chest, he focused on the nipple area.

The water was still on and the temperature changed from warm to cold, the two angels were getting soaked with the cold water.

This made both Pit and Dark Pit go cold all over the body, that it made the nipples go hard...

More sensible now they are.

Pit lowered his face to the darker self's chest and begun to suck on the nipple. Dark Pit grunted a bit louder, he held Pit's head to keep him close.



Pit got to suck again, he used his toungue to play with it for a bit. He recieved more grunts from the darker self, until he got an idea to make Dark Pit scream outloud.

"Try not to cry..."


Pit bit the nipple and pulled it to a side hard.

"AAH!! PIT!!"

Dark Pit gripped Pit's hair way too hard, but he did not mind.

Pit smirked, that is what he wanted to hear.

Pit felt something on his back.

Dark Pit had wrapped his legs on Pit's waist area. Pit took a look to the back, then to Dark Pit.

"You really want me to go for more?"

"...Y-Yes, surprisingly..."

Pit nooded and slid himself lower, far lower. To the member area, again.

Pit didn't hestitate to suck on the length again. Dark Pit jolted by surprise.

"Aah, yes..."

Dark Pit held Pit's head again, making sure for Pit not to stop his actions.

Pit sucked from end to top repeatedly. Dark Pit was enjoying this way too much.

"Ngh... Aaah, s-suck harder..." Dark Pit begged for more. Pit took an quick look to Dark Pit and noded.

Pit sucked as hard as he could, Dark Pit panted like a dog...

This was going well, then.

Pit wanted this to go quickly as he said before. So, Pit used his teeth again to nibble small bites on the tip of Dark Pit's dick.

Pit had a slow tempo for nibbling, he could hear Dark Pit cry out of pleasure.

"Aah, yes... m-more..."

Pit understood and nibbled a bit faster, but he began to nibble the entire length.

Dark Pit's cry got louder:

"G'ah... Aaah... I'm... G-going to--"

He couldn't finish his sentence. Dark Pit couldn't hold the seed much longer and he released it.


Dark Pit rolled his eyes back to the skull, sighed loudly and leaned to the wall exhausted. He was panting with a quick pace.

Since the shower was still on, Pit didn't want the water to clean away the seed. So, he tried to lick and swallow every drop released.

Pit finished with his job and crawled to Dark Pit's face to kiss him.

Pit went to held Dark Pit's head to deepen the kiss, while the darker one did the same.

The two broke the kiss and looked at each other in the eyes. Dark Pit broke the eye contact by chuckling a bit:

"Well... That... was fun..." He was still panting

"Yeah, it was fun..." Pit held Dark Pit's face and kissed him again.

These kisses were different from what Pit was used to, and he liked it a lot. So he didn't want to spend any opportunity to get a kiss from his darker self.

Pit broke the kiss and said: "Shall we do this again soon?"

Dark Pit had to think about it: "....I'll probably... tell you later 'cuz... I was busy bathing until you barged... in and I was trying to clean myself. So... I'll think about it and I'll let you know, deal?"

Pit understood Dark Pit's wishes and he noded: "Yes, deal."

Pit took a quick peek on the lips with the other and helped get Dark Pit on his feet.

"Well, I'll be at my room when you finish bathing if you need something from me. See 'ya later." Pit walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. Dark Pit heard another door shut, Pit had actually left the room.

Dark Pit sighed and leanrd against the wall:

'Oh, Pit... I'm still insecure on what Palutena would do to us if she finds out that we are actually doing this process and not for being against our own wills...'


A/N: I am sorry for sudden irony between the two angels.

PITCEST (Kid Icarus / Pitcest)(Broken English)Where stories live. Discover now