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My alarm bursts my eardrums as my eyes shoot open. This is the fourth time I've pressed the snooze button in the last half an hour. I throw my Christmas patterned duvet to one side and roll out of bed. I throw open the curtains to my bay window to let a little light in so I can actually see where I'm going. The action was pointless considering it's still pitch black outside. I open the window so that the crisp mid January Californian air can wake me up at this ungodly hour. Seconds later a breeze hits me, waking me up immediately. I take a deep breath of fresh air in before looking at the damage the night did to my appearance.

I stand in front of the full length mirror in the corner of my paint splattered room. Let's just say that my friends and I decided to have a paint fight whilst deciding what colour to paint my walls 3 years ago. I drag a hand through my knotted light blonde hair trying to smooth out the frizz. I groan as I attempt to rub off the makeup I didn't remove last night. I grab a towel and trudge to the family bathroom. I pass a sea of closed doors as sleep starts to take over me once again.


Once I've showered and fully awoken, I change into some grey jogging bottoms one of my brothers have grown out of and a white vest top along with my white vans. It is a flight after all, not a fashion show. My school is notorious for it's 'legendary ski trips'. 30 pupils, one teacher. Pretty much sums up the whole idea of it- no one comes back without a shaved eyebrow, a second degree burn or another result of a prank of some kind. My brother- twin brother in fact- Isaac begged me to go with him. Our 3 older brothers all went and came back 'a man' so he feels like he has to as well.

Just a heads up, I'm one of 8- the only girl not to mention. Charlie, Max and Tyler don't live with us anymore; considering that they're 24, 21 and 19 that is. They all live in different parts of the US to 'pursue their sporting dreams'. Charlie's a football player, Max is a baseball prodigy and Tyler is the newest up and coming basketball star (I suppose it does help being the tallest in the family at a staggering 6ft 7). Isaac, who's 17 like me wants to become a professional snowboarder; Mason, the 15 year old brooding teenager wants to become the most famous ice hockey player in the world. Another brother of mine, Noah who's 13 thinks he's the next Bruce Jenner minus the whole 'Caitlyn' part and the baby of the family, well I say baby but he's actually 9 now- Oscar's entire world revolves around soccer.

Can you see the pattern yet? Well when your mother is a professional ice pack maker and father happens to be a world renounced sports surgeon turned personal coach- you kind of have to like sports. Me on the other hand? I don't have a 'designated' thing I devote my time to. I guess you could say I'm 'finding my passion'; well at least that's how Isaac out it when I told him I was quitting cheer. I think he kind of liked having a twin sister who happened to be head cheerleader who could score him dates with just about any girl he wanted.

So enough about my crazy family- go on, I know you want to say it: 'at least we know where your parent's talent's lie', 'don't your parent's have any other hobbies?' I've heard them all by now. Where was I? Oh yeah, the ski trip.

I've just about finished my daily routine just about 5 hours earlier than usual when I hear the rest of my family start to awaken. They sure don't sound happy about the annoying buzzing sound radiating through the entire house- Isaac's a very heavy sleeper. I drag my suitcase down the stairs with several loud thuds as I see my mother half asleep, flipping enough pancakes to feed the 500. I place my bag by the front door and quietly creep up behind mom as she pours her third batch of pancake mix into the frying pan. I'm convinced that her brain is wired to make enough food for the entire family, which might I add, is a lot. You really don't want to see this house on thanksgiving. I wrap my arms around her small waist and hug her tightly. Considering I have 7 brothers and my best friends are mainly boys, I do actually value some girl time now and again. She immediately knows who it is and turns to hug me back, leaving the mix in the pan for a little too long.

"Eh, Mason will eat it" I laugh as I quickly move the pan off of the hob. "Remind me again why everyone is coming to wave us off today?" I ask, plopping a overly ripened grape in my mouth then wincing at the taste.

"It's the famous 'coming of age' trip Luna" She laughs sleepily. That's me, Luna Allcroft- I belong to the real life 'Baker family' from 'Cheaper by the Dozen'. Imagine what having 11 brothers would be like... 7 is torture enough after all.

"And it's going to be lit" Isaac shouts, stampeding down the stairs and into the open plan kitchen. His curly blonde hair and tanned, golden skin would surely be a turn on for any girl. Not me obviously- I shared a womb with that thing. He threw up on me pretty much the second he popped out- he says that it's because he 'should have been the older twin but my massive butt shoved him out of the way so I could be queen of the world.' He has a very vivid imagination.

"I still don't understand your terminology." Mom laughs, twirling her long brown hair in her fingers as she admires one of her 'beautiful baby boys'. "I just about got rid of the football, baseball and basketball terms and now I've got you talking about getting lit. Is that a drug reference?"

"Yeah it is mom. Isaac here is a stoner." I giggle as my identical twin grabs me in a head lock and noogies my brains out. I know what you're thinking- boys and girls can't be identical. I'm telling you, Isaac is the spitting image of me... minus the long hair and boobs that is.

"Shut up dork" He laughs. Thank god he didn't choose to take up wrestling as his sport of choice otherwise I'm pretty sure I've have a dent in the top of my head from the number of times this happens. "How many suitcases do you have? And are they full?"

"I have 1 which is full to the brim." I tell him, gesturing towards the previously neatly stacked suitcase and carry on which has now been bulldozed by the hundreds of bags Isaac's decided to bring. "How much stuff do you need dude? We're only going for 2 weeks. How many puffer jackets do you need?"

"It's not just puffer jackets. I facetimed Charlie a few days ago and he gave me a list of essentials that I need to bring. Therefore, I need you to wear this" He says shoving a huge black coat in my face, messing up my hair once again.

"You're actually so annoying" I puff blowing a strand of hair out of my eyes. I slide my tiny arms into the massive holes as he zips it up right to my chin.

"See that could totally pass off as yours"

"Yeah, I turned into Mason in my sleep" I shake my head as he pulls the hood over my eyes.

"Just because I have to have a lot of muscle for hockey doesn't mean you have to hate" I hear Mason's recently broken voice stomp down stairs.

"Not hating, just stating" I shake my head with laughter.

"You know Luna, your jokes are just getting sad now" He laughs as I finally shake the hood off my head to see him. His jet black hair is spiked up in all different directions making me wonder if it's been styled that way or if he has a serious case of bed head. Everyone in my family has completely different hair colours and styles which actually convinced me that we were all adopted when I was 8. This was before I witnessed the birth of Oscar which scarred me for the rest of my life; sometimes I still see the horrible image when I close my eyes. I shudder at the thought.

"Rude" I laugh as Noah, Oscar and dad join us in the kitchen. Seconds later I find myself left with an empty plate, drowning in a boiling black bin bag.

"Don't worry, I've made this one especially for you" Mom smiles at me as she takes the plate and helps my climb out of the straight jacket. She hands me a special chocolate chip pancake in the shape of a heart; an attempted shape of a heart I should say.

"Time update" I shout over the sound of cutlery hitting the ceramic plates and loud slurping of orange juices. "It's 3:36am and we have to be at the airport at 4." I say. A few of my siblings give a thumbs up and then go back to what they were previously doing. "It's a 20 minute drive you guys. We have to go."

"Okay Allcrofts'" Mom shouts, immediately getting their attention. "Car. Now." Let's just say, when Mom shouts instructions, you do them. Don't cross mama Allcroft.

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