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You're probably sat there thinking 'kidney?!?!?!' Right? Well a few months after Isaac and I were born the doctors told Mom and Dad that Isaac had 'established renal failure' aka kidney failure. He lived until he was 5 on dialysis machines until it wasn't doing the job anymore. That's where I came in. I volunteered myself to be his kidney donor, considering that I had two extremely well functioning kidneys and happened to have the exact same DNA- I was the perfect match. We had the operations and were both in hospital for about a week afterwards. After that it was as if nothing at all had happened and we were both as good as new. Isaac has one of my kidneys as well as one of his own which apparently is doing well now- 12 years later. Doctors say that should I need it- he would be able to survive with just his one, previously faulty organ. Let's just say that Isaac is not only stuck with me for as long as we live together but he'll be carrying me around his whole life.

Sure, it limits some of the stuff we can do; we work hard to not let it affect our sporting opportunities. It just means that we both have to pee a lot more than normal people and we get sick much easier. I like to think I'm the stronger one of the two of us. I haven't been sick for about 2 years now. We're supposed to eat healthily but judging by the amount of crap that Isaac has to eat to keep his calorie intake up, it's not going too well.

I wait on Isaac's bed as he fumbles around in his suitcases looking for something to wear.

"Saac, it's only me you have to impress" I shrug as he stands rubbing his wet hair with his towel. I pull out my phone and take a picture of him as he smiles brightly. "I'm sending it to mom to prove that I'm taking expert care of you"

"It's probably a good thing that we didn't tell our parents that you fell 40 feet down a cliff or I'd be in deep shiz when we get back." He laughs, finally throwing in a shirt.

I'm about to respond when I hear voices behind the door. Cameron bursts into the room with the girl from earlier- Mel, trailing behind him.

"Oh hey guys" He says awkwardly, straightening his shirt and running a hand through his hair. "I didn't know you'd be here"

"Nah it's cool dude. Carry on" Isaac shrugs as he lifts the hair out of his eyes m, zipping up his case again.

"We're just leaving" I state, standing up. "You ready?" I ask my twin brother. He nods, links his arm through my own and pulls me out of the room.

"Luna wait" I hear Cameron's voice behind me as the door is just about to shut. I look at Isaac and shake my head. We continue to walk until I feel a cold hand on my bare shoulder.

"Can I help you?" I sass.

"Can we talk for a second?" He pleas as I turn to look at him. I look up at Isaac who detaches himself from me and wanders down the corridor. I look at him confused. I gave him my best 'don't you dare leave me' look and he totally ignored it. If anyone knows what my expressions mean it's him. "I don't know what you think is going on with me and those cheerleaders but it's honestly not what it looks like."

"I never said anything about it"

"You didn't have to. Your face says it all." He shrugs. "Mel was telling me about how her older brother has a drug addiction and about how it's completely ripping her entire family apart. I told her that I had a number for a really good therapist for him because of what I went through. We were only coming up here to get my phone so we could exchange their numbers"

"You told her about you?" I ask.

"No, you're the only one who knows. I made something up about my cousin who used to live with us."

"Then why didn't you just say that?"

"I didn't want to run into you like that. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea. You're the only girl I'm interested in Luna and I don't want to screw that up."

"I have a habit of over reacting" I say looking at the floor.

"I've noticed" He laughs. "I saw you at dinner today"

"It wasn't my finest moment I'll admit that" I laugh as well.

"I think it's sweet how you stand up for your brother like that"

"Yeah well I'd do anything for him. Id do anything for any of them"

"Like give a kidney?" He smirks.

"How did you-?"

"Johnson" He laughs. I nod my head as if I should have known that. He's a notorious big mouth. If it wasn't Sawyer then it was bound to be him.

"Of course it was" I laugh.

"So Isaac is probably waiting for you." He says. I turn to look down the corridor. There's no sight of him at all.

"Yeah, I should go. I promised him that we'd hang out"

"Yeah." He sighs looking to the floor. Id love to invite him but I promised Saac and I don't break my promises.

"We'll hang out another time yeah?" I ask hopeful.

"I'd love to" He smiles before heading back inside his dorm room.


"So this blows" Isaac tells me as he carries over a beer and a coke. "This isn't a disco"

"Where'd you get that?" I nod towards the beverage, completely ignoring his statement.

"I have a fake ID" He smiles brightly, obviously proud of himself.

"And why do I not?" I smirk.

"Because you didn't want to get in trouble when Tyler offered to take us to get one" He laughs, taking a long sip. I take the glass out of his hand and sip at the brown liquid inside. I pull a disgusted face and set it down on the table as Isaac bursts out laughing. "You have a froth moustache." He tells me before leaning over and wiping my upper lip. He puts his thumb in his mouth before picking up the glass again.

"I'm not exactly missing out on anything by not having one." I laugh "How can you drink that? It's vile."

"It's a mans drink that's why"

"We both know that I'm more manly than you'll ever be"

"Uh, which one of us has already lost their virginity?" He teases. He insists on being my wingman someday but I can't see how that would work. He's too overprotective of me to anyone I do actually meet.

"At least I'm not a man whore" I shrug, drinking my coke.

"Shut up slut" He laughs. Any other person and I would have them pinned to the ground but Saac just has that affect on people that means you can't help but adore him. He's my little brother. I have to protect him.

"Such a dick" I laugh. "So I know you brought a massive bag on candy in that suitcase of yours"

"What about it?" He says raising his eyebrow.

"I want in" I smirk.

"What do I get out of it?"

"You get the satisfaction of knowing that your sister loves you"

"Nice try but I get that anyway"

"Do you though?" I sip at my drink once again.

"Why do we always have these pointless conversations?"

"Because we don't talk about meaningful stuff." I respond a little too quickly. I know that answer because that's exactly the question I ask myself.

"Well then lets start" He tells me. "Tell me about Cameron Dallas"

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