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"Luna I need to talk to you" I hear my father's stern voice call through my door. I roll over in my bed to look at the clock 6:30 am, really dad?

"It's so early" I groan.

"It's important. My office- 5 minutes" He tells me, banging his fist on the door before I hear his footsteps melt away. I didn't tell anyone about what I saw on Cameron's phone last night but now that my father wants to see me in his office something tells me he already knows. I clamber out of bed pulling on my dressing gown, tying across my stomach with great difficulty- this is one of the only long sleeved things I can wear that fits my cast at the moment. I quickly tiptoe downstairs as not to wake anyone else in the house. Despite my father's booming voice waking everything within a 10 mile radius, my siblings seem to still be fast asleep.

I knock on the shut oak door before me slightly hoping this is all a dream and I'm still fast asleep.

"Come in" I hear my father tell me. I open the door slowly and head towards the chair opposite the massive desk that dominates the room. I feel like one of dad's patients when he's telling them the severity of their injuries and how long they'll be out of play for. I squirm in the cold leather seat as I wait for him to say something. I watch as he opens the top left hand drawer, pulling out a newspaper and throwing it onto the table before me.

'Turmoil in the Allcroft family' fills the page before me. I scan the news article to find out it's all about the past few weeks of my life. I flip the page to see images of Isaac and I from our youth- my enormous youth. I read the article further. I read about my secrets, I read about my relationships, I read about my brothers. I look at the pictures from last night, Tyler's basketball game. I look at the pictures of Cameron, bloody and bruised. I look at the author line. 'By Cameron Dallas'. My heart drops.

"I didn't know" I look up at my father, unable to believe what's happening. "I swear I didn't know Dad"

"I can't even look at you Luna. Our entire life story is spread across these pages. I can't count the number of times I've told you not to trust strangers." He sighs.

"I know dad. I thought he was a normal teenage boy Pa, I swear" I sob. "I thought he loved me"

"Honey, in our line of work, people only want us for the money or for the inside scoop."

"That's exactly what he got. The biggest inside scoop." I sigh. How could this happen to me? The first person I open myself up to and I get completely screwed over.

"It's okay Luna. We can get through this. We just need to do a lot more public appearances as a family. You and Isaac should probably not spend as much time together where people can see you two."

"That can be explained" I can't help but laugh. "But I'll leave that to him because I don't understand his crazy thought process"

"Why don't we all go to cinema or something later? Call it family bonding time. This article has opened my eyes to things I didn't know where happening under my own roof. I need to get your mother to have 'the talk' with you twins."

"Oh my god Dad. You really don't need to do that." I grimace. Talk about embarrassing. "We've got it under control." I sigh. You don't know how glad I am that I didn't go all the way with Cameron. That really would be a story.


"Hey Lu" I hear Jack's voice as he pushes the door open whilst I lay in bed next to my twin brother who has fallen asleep mid conversation. I told Isaac and Jack about everything a few minutes ago- Isaac in person and Jack via phone call. I smile up at my best friend and ease myself away from Isaac as not to wake him. I follow my friend out into the backyard as I watch his hair wiggle with every step he takes. We sit on the bench at the very end of our large garden. You could hold a soccer game here, literally.

"So what's up?" I shrug, wrapping myself in my gown as the crisp morning air hits my bare legs. I can't be bothered to get dressed today- not after everything that's happened.

"I'm sorry about Cameron." He sighs.

"You've seen the papers I take it."

"All 106 of them I delivered on my paper round this morning." He shrugs.

"Oh great. 106 more people know what a complete and utter fool I've been."

"You weren't a fool. You were in love."

"I wasn't in love with Cameron." I admit. "I thought I was. If I was truly in love then why does it not hurt one bit that he's gone?"

"Maybe you got swept up in the holiday romance." He says taking my uncasted hand in his, warming them up as I shiver slightly. "I sure know how that feels."

"I'm sorry about Alexa."

"It's fine. It's old news." He assures me. "I only liked her because she was hot. Did you know she has absolutely no personality whatsoever?"

"I was aware of that." I laugh.

"She's like a boring version of you."

"So you think I'm hot huh?" I tease. I expect him to laugh or to turn away in embarrassment but he just holds eye contact.

"You know I think you're more than just hot. You're perfect Luna." He tells me. Looks like I'm the one to turn away in embarrassment. "I'm not going to try and make this into a relationship or whatever but you know I've loved you for years. From the second I laid eyes on you. Fat or thin, makeup or no makeup, cast or no cast. You've always been the one for me."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I can treat you better than anyone else can. You deserve the best and that's what I want to be. You make me want to be the best version of myself that I can. I never in a million years thought I'd ever tell you all this but now I'm saying it I just can't get the words to-"

"Just shut up and kiss me" I say with a smile. He leans in quickly, doing just as I say. He kisses me so gently as if he doesn't want to hurt a hair on my head. I shuffle towards him as I try to deepen the kiss.

"About bloody time!" I hear Mason's voice call from back in the house. I break away from Jack to see him hanging out of his window, cheering at the fact that Jack and I finally got together.

"Get in there girl" I hear Isaac hell as he appears in the window adjacent to Mason's. I look back to Jack and can't help but beam from ear to ear.

"Well I didn't expect this to happen today." I laugh.

"I'm going to make you so happy Luna."

"I look forward to it."

He kisses my nose before smiling down on me. "Looks like one trip to the other side of the country was all it took."

All it Took ~ c.dWhere stories live. Discover now