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"So I'm ditching snowboarding training today" Isaac announces as we make it back to mine and Sawyer's room.

"Dad wouldn't be too pleased to hear that" I laugh.

"And that's why you're not going to tell him" He smirks at me.

"And what are you going to give me in return for buying my silence"

"The satisfaction of knowing you've helped your brother out and that he owes you one?" He smiles innocently, hoping that that is enough to bargain with.

"Saac, I'm kidding. You don't have to 'owe me one'- I've always got your back. Like Charlie says, we look out for each other."

"You, my sister, are the best" He says picking me up once again and spinning me around. I laugh as he begins to put me down, planting a kiss on top if my head.

"PDA much?" Alexa's voice bursts through the room as the door swings open.

"Go choke on a dick." Sawyer says, her back to our new enemy. I have to physically bite my lip to stop myself from laughing; I've never heard Sawyer talk like that. Ever.

"Wow, Sawyer's finally found her voice." Alexa cackles. "Nice of you to join us."

"Shut up" I exclaim, rolling my eyes. Cameron walks over to me, standing between Alexa and I. He looks down on me innocently.

"Please don't get in another fight" He whispers. I shrug and give a nod of agreement as he leans down and kisses me softly.

"Oh Cameron. Just the boy I was looking for." Alexa says shrilly.

"How can I help you?" He says politely.

"I've seen the texts Cam" She smirks. Cameron looks as if his heart has just dropped. "I've seen the pictures"

"What texts? What pictures?" I ask.

"I swear to God. If you're going to say something that will hurt my sister, I will not hesitate to rip your head off" Isaac steps closer to us.

"Isaac" I look straight at him, instantly making him back off.

"Why don't you show her yourself?" Alexa smirks.

"There's nothing to show" Cameron shrugs.

"Don't be an ass" I hiss. "If there's something to show then show it"

"Fine" He sighs, pulling out his phone."It's just harmless flirting." He clicks on the screen and hands me the messages. Isaac steps behind me to look over my shoulder. "Just her" Cameron says sternly.

"I'm a part of her. You don't get one without the other. Get used to it." Saac snarls, still looking at the screen.

"She's nothing to me. All I want is to come back to you as soon as possible. I'm only on this stupid trip for some extra credit. She's just a little bonus." I read aloud. "Great" I mutter.

"I should go" Isaac states. "Because I might not be able to stop myself" He says walking swiftly out of the room.

"You've all got it wrong" Cameron says holding his hand out for me to give the phone back. I place it in his palm and he snatches it back, scrolling down crazily. "Read this" I take the phone back and read.

"Look Louise, I can't do this anymore. Luna is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I refuse to hurt her. Stop contacting me and lose my number. I've already lost yours." I read aloud. The message was dated 3 days into the trip. That was the last message from him. Louise has sent him loads of inappropriate messages and pictures but he hasn't responded to any of them. I trust Cameron. I think I owe it to him to believe him after seeing this.

"What?" Alexa exclaims. Jack stands by her side, completely silent.

"You heard her. It's all off. It has been since I got to know her." Cameron shrugs.

"Whatever" She grimaces, storming out the room.

"She's such a cow" Sawyer shakes her head. Jack lingers for a few seconds.

"What?" I look straight at him. "Come to admit you've made a mistake? You always did give up easily"

"Whatever" He says, sounding almost exactly like Alexa. I raise an eyebrow as a signal for him to leave. He walks out almost immediately.

I look to Sawyer and Cameron. They nod as if they know what I'm about to say. I smile and make my way to Isaac's room. I knock on the door but get no reply. I burst through the room into a completely empty room. Isaac is no where to be seen. I step inside and pull on one of his massive warm coats before heading to the only other place he could be.

"I thought I'd find you here" I say softly as I approach my brother sat at the top of the highest snowboarding slope. I sit down next to him with a thump, kicking up snow as I do so. Isaac gives a slight laugh as I look like an idiot trying to sit down. I look at him, his expression unreadable. I've never seen him like this. He's always been protective but never to the point where he ends up like this. I think he's been crying. I reach up and wipe away dried up tears. He opens his mouth to speak but then closes it, unable to find the words he's looking for. "You don't have to say anything" I say running a hand through his hair. He rests his head on my shoulder as we both look down the slope.

"I don't know what's happening to me" He groans.

"You're a big baby that's what's happening" I laugh. "But you're my big baby and that's all that matters"

"I love you Lu"

"I love you too Saac" I smile to myself. He moves his head from my shoulder and looks at me. He smiles brightly. This is weird, even by our standards.

"I don't trust Cameron" He says out of the blue. "He doesn't deserve you. He's not good enough for you."

"He's great Isaac. You know that." I sigh. "He called it all off with that girl ages ago."

"Messages can be deleted Lu"

"I trust him"

"Well I don't"

"Well then we have a problem"

"If you had to pick. Me or him. Who would it be?" He says randomly.

"You every time. You know that Saac." I smile. He moves closer to me. He runs a hand through my hair and begins to close his eyes. He leans in but I shove him off, scrambling to my feet. "What the hell? Are you an idiot?"

"I'm sorry Luna"

"You're a psycho." I shake my head. That did not just happen. My twin brother did not just try and kiss me. "We're brother and sister"

"We're so much more than that" He says quietly.

"You're delusional" I say, holding my head trying to process everything.

"You said you loved me"

"Because you're my brother!" I exclaim. "My twin brother" He jumps up from his seat in the snow and steps towards me. He reaches out to me but I step back. "Don't touch me"

"Luna stop" Isaac says reaching out to me. I step back once more. I lose my footing and feel myself falling through the air backwards. My vision blackens before I hit the icy slope. "Luna!" I slide down the slope, head first on my back as I scramble for something to cling onto.

"Isaac" I exclaim, my arms flailing through the air. I hear a loud crack as my vision returns. I've stopped moving now.


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