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"So what side do you want to take? Jocks or Math club nerds?" Isaac asks as we sit alone in my bedroom scanning over the list of names of just about everyone in 10th grade. Mason sure has a lot of friends.

"I'll take Jocks. You'll just get distracted talking about sports." I shake my head. I dial the first number and hold the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end asks.

"Hey Brian?"


"It's Luna. Mason Allcroft's sister."

"I knew it was a matter of time before you came calling"

"Yeah, cute" I roll my eyes. "Any ways, we're throwing a surprise party for Mase tonight at our house."

"I'm there. What time?"

"8:30" I tell him. "Be there on time yeah? It's a surprise so we kind of need people there."

"Yeah 8:30, I got it. I'll call my team, get them all there."

"Thank you! Oh and one thing-"

"Don't tell Mason? Woman please, I'm no amateur."

"Thank you Brian" I say as sweetly as I can before hanging up the phone. I toss it on the bed. "Ew, 15 year olds are so horny it's gross."

"Yeah it's a phase." Isaac shrugs. "Mason is in it right now."

"And I'm about to call the one girl we all know he wants." I smirk as I dial the next number on the list. Sophia Caldel- next head cheerleader as soon as Sawyer graduates.

"Hey! Soph speaking"

"Hey Sophia. It's Luna Allcroft."

"It's Mason's birthday today right! Wish him a happy birthday for me!"

"You can tell him yourself tonight. 8:30, my house, surprise party."

"Well in that case I'll bring the team."

"Thank you!" I smile although she can't see me. Sophia is really the only one I wanted to come. Mason is going to freak.

"I better go pick out something to wear! Bye!" She says, hanging up the phone before I have a chance to reply.


After a further 20 minutes of calling people, we've invited everyone we can think of.

"I'll text Alexa to come" Isaac says totally engrossed in his phone.

"You text her and I swear I'll kick you in the balls so hard that you can never cheat on Sawyer again." I warn him.

"Jees, fine I won't."

"You're such a douche. Cheating on my best friend with your best friend's girlfriend."

"I don't see what the problem is, like you said, she only wanted Jack to get to me so I put her out of her misery."

"And lost the three best people in your life doing so."


"Jack, Sawyer and me" I sigh. "I may be talking to you right now but this is only for Mason's sake."

"I get it okay. You're mad. You don't have to keep bringing it up all the time."

"What changed inside of you to make you so heartless?" I spit as I stand up, looking at my appearance in the mirror. My purple cast sticks out like a sore thumb. How am I supposed to have a good time doing anything with this heap of junk on my arm?

"How about the fact that I practically pushed my twin off of a mountain top? How about the fact that I got it inside of my head that kissing you for a bet would be alright? How about the fact that you could have died and now you've lost all use of you arm? Because of me? Take your pick." He shrugs.

"You've always been the idiot out of the two of us." I laugh. "Anyway, you can't text Alexa because Sawyer's having a party tonight and no doubt she'll be gate crashing."

"I should tell Sawyer shouldn't I?" He looks at the ground suddenly.

"No shit Sherlock." I sigh. "You cheated on her, she deserves to know."

"It's not like she hasn't done it to me before."

"That was like 2 years ago Saac. She hoped you'd be a bit more maturer now." I roll my eyes.

"Fine I'll call her"

"No go to her house and talk to her. Don't you dare start dating wannabe Luna straight after- have some heart."

"I'm not dating Alexa. Ever." He tells me. "She reminds me too much of you."

"Yet you'd lose your virginity to her?" I say with a laugh.

"She's hot. Why not?" He shrugs. "Not that you're hot in any way, shape or form."

"How about losing it for love?" I ask, choosing to ignore that last statement.

"Whatever miss 'dry hump the first guy I see'" He sasses.

"I've never dry humped anyone thank you very much. It was in a jacuzzi." I roll my eyes.

"He wasn't the only thing making you wet that night then"

"Isaac stop!" I exclaim. "You're so gross"

"I'm just saying at least I've known Alexa longer than two minutes." He shrugs.

"Are you trying to get me mad again?" I say clenching my fists. Isaac's face turns to shock as he looks at me.

"Luna your arm" He beams. I look down to see my purple arm with a clenched fist. I thought I wasn't supposed to be able to do that?

"How on Earth?" I say as my fingers relax back into their usual limp positioning.

"You're amazing." Isaac smiles as he jumps up, hugging me and lifting me off my feet.

"Tell me something I don't know" I laugh as he places me back on the ground. We stare at each other for a few seconds before we both back away awkwardly. "I'm going to go check on the cake." I nod to myself as I head out of the room. I walk downstairs, tucking my hair behind my ear as I step into the open plan kitchen. "Hey little bro. How's it going?"

"It's in the oven" Noah says standing up from his previous position: crouched in front of the oven door watching his masterpiece bake.

"Thank you for this" I smile standing behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my chin on this head. He turns quickly so that he can engulf me in a long hug.

"Anything for you Lu. Anything for Mason too." He says. I feel him smile into my chest. I squeeze him tightly before we both simultaneously let go of each other.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see a man about valuables." I laugh referring to the littlest Allcroft. Tell me again why I put the 9 year old in charge of hiding all the breakable stuff?

All it Took ~ c.dWhere stories live. Discover now