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About 20 minutes later, there's a knock on the door.

"Is it safe to enter or have you murdered Cameron?" I hear Sawyer's voice behind the door. I break away from Cameron and let out a small laugh. He removes himself from on top of me and rolls back onto the bed. I stand up, straightening my shirt, heading for the door. I open it with a big smile.

"I didn't murder him S" I laugh. I open the door wider for her to step inside. She looks at Cameron and then at my wild hair and the love bite that is obviously forming on my collarbone.

"Oh I see. Did I interrupt?" She smirks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"No, you didn't" Cameron says from behind me. "I should actually get going." I turn to look at him as he approaches me. "I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" He says before kissing my lips softly once more. He pulls away, smirking at me and Sawyer. Just be grateful that wasn't Isaac that saw that little display of affection. He disappears out of the room, shutting the door lightly behind him.

"So I see you two made up" She smirks deviously at me. "Or should I say made out"

"Whatever Sawyer. A lady doesn't kiss and tell." I say turning my neck to her and crawling beneath the sheets. She changes into her pyjamas before joining me.

"So what was it like? Was he a good kisser?" She exclaims, propping herself up on one elbow.

"Sawyer!" I remark. "I'm not talking about it"

"Just one question please?" She begs. I sigh, nodding unenthusiastically. "Did you go all the way?"

"No! I only met him 3 days ago. I do have some self respect" I protest.

"I'm just asking" She says removing her hand and laying back on the bed. "Alexa and Jack were all over each other as soon as you left. It was so awkward. Isaac and I just sat there whilst they dry humped each other."

"Yeah well that's Alexa for you" I groan.

"Are we on team no-Alexa again?" Sawyer asks. "Because if you hate her then I hate her too"

"Sawyer you don't have to stop being friends with someone just because I don't like them."

"If you have a problem with her then that becomes my problem. You're my best friend. It's what we do."

"Remember Maggie Hart? She accidentally splattered paint all over you in Sixth grade- a week after you joined the school."

"And you dunked a whole pot of bright red paint all down her" Sawyer exclaims, obviously recalling the memory. "Of course I remember. That's how we became best friends duh."

"Duh" I repeat.

"I believe you were into track and field events at that point in time." She laughs.

"Yeah until Noah came along and stole the limelight"

"Why don't you just decide to do somethings for yourself? You're an amazing ice skater"

"I can't." I tell her. "It's the whole 1 kidney drawback once again."

"Oh yeah." She sighs. "Here's a crazy idea. Why don't you not do a sport?"

"Not do a sport? Sawyer have you met my family?"

"Hear me out" she starts. "You take AP English- why not do sports journalism? It's still talking about sports that has to make your parents happy but it doesn't actually involve you getting hurt."

"That's actually a brilliant idea S!" I beam. "How'd you become so wise?"

"It's my many years of experience" She says with a toss of her hair, which doesn't have much affect considering we're both lying down.

"Speaking of experience" Alexa's voice cuts through the room. "I just gave little Johnson an experience he'll never forget"

"You slept with him?" I exclaim, sitting up dramatically.

"Oh honey, what we did was far from sleeping" She says coolly.

"You sure don't wait around do you Alexa" Sawyer remarks, also sitting up.

"Why wait around when you've got a body like this?" She smirks. "You know I only got close to you to sleep with your brother. Looks like Jack was the second best option."

"You cow" I exclaim, jumping out of bed, lunging for her. I grab her hair in my fists as I see Sawyer leave the room quickly. Alexa's fist connects with my mouth as I bite down on her knuckles. I yank her hair a little harder as a tear slips out of the corner of her eye. She doesn't let it phase her. I should have known not to pick a fight with Alexa- she's known to have a vicious cat fight every once in a while.

"Luna stop" I hear Isaac's calming voice. Alexa's fist connects with my eye and I pull a bit harder, using my spare hand to punch her in the mouth. Plastic nails fly everywhere as Isaac and Jack try to pull us apart. I eventually let go, falling into Isaac's arms as Alexa falls into Jack's.

"Are you okay babe?" I hear him console her.

"Don't even waste your breath Jack. She only wanted to get close to me so she could sleep with Isaac. She said you were a second choice."

"She wouldn't say that Lu- you're just jealous"

"Jealous? Of her? Please" I say in shock. As if I'd be jealous of her. Okay so maybe I was for a split second but no one but you and I knows that, you won't tell will you?

"Just because you can't get Cameron, or anyone for that matter, to bang you doesn't mean you have to take it out Lexi" Jack says angrily.

"Jack she's telling the truth. I was there the whole time." Sawyer tells him sincerely. I rip myself from Isaac's grip as I storm out of the room. Okay so maybe I overreact a lot but this is a cause to overreact. If only he knew what Cameron and I were up to 20 minutes ago- then who's be the one laughing?

"Luna wait" I hear Cameron's voice behind me. I think this is what I like most about him; he's always there when I need him.

"What Cam?" I say, continuing to walk to the 24 hour bar on campus that Isaac and I have already visited once tonight.

"I want to make sure you're okay"

"I'm fine Cam. I've taken my fair share of hits in the past." I say, spitting blood into the thick snow as I trudge across the icy walkway.

"I don't mean about the punches. You did a lot more damage to her than she did to you" He says making me smile to myself. Mason would be proud.

"Then what?" I say as he catches up to me. He slips his hand into mine after he wraps a coat around my shoulders.

"I don't want you to be alone"

"I'm okay Cameron"

"I know what kind of girl you are. You grew up with 7 brothers. You've learned not to let your emotions be heard- they call you weak right?"

"Yeah" I say slightly stunned. "How did you-?"

"I watch a lot of TV" He says with a laugh, making me laugh too. "There's the smile I know and love"

"I just don't get it" I say, looking at the ground as we walk through the crisp air. "Jack's like my brother- how can he take the word of some psycho who's only just taken an interest over someone who's been there his whole life?"

"I can't answer that Luna"

"I know you can't" I sigh. "I don't even know why I'm telling you all this. I suppose I just feel safe around you. Like I can tell you anything and you won't judge me."

"Of course I won't judge you. You didn't judge me about my past so why should I judge you about your present?"

"You're really poetic you know that right?" I say with a small smile.

"You're really amazing you know that right?" He retaliates. "Shall we go in?" He asks, nodding towards the sign that says open all hours. I didn't even realise we'd stopped. I nod as he pulls me into the warmth.

I don't know what it is about this boy but he makes me instantly happy; one smile is all it takes.

All it Took ~ c.dWhere stories live. Discover now