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I open my eyes to a bright light and a fluorescent white ceiling. My eyes flicker open and closed for a few minutes as I try to gather my surroundings.

"Holy crap." I hear Mason's pubescent voice bursting my eardrums.

"Mason" My mother's voice snaps.

"She's awake" My father says softly. I open my eyes once more to see 3 friendly faces leaning over me.

"Hey" I say groggily. I try to sit up but instantly get hit with a wave of pain. "Where the hell am I?"

"You're in hospital." Mom says soothingly. She sits on the edge of the bed as she combs her fingers through the ends of my hair.

"You've been in a coma for 3 days Lu" I hear Charlie's stern voice.

"Charlie? What are you doing here?" I say trying to sit up again. I manage this time as Mason controls the bed to move with me. My vision clears as I see my 7 brothers before me. Hey, I did say I wanted everyone together.

"I got back in the starting team like you told me to." He shrugs. "But then you had your fall and I told them that I had to leave."

"How'd they take that?"

"They said that if I walk out that door then my career is over."

"Charlie-" I say sympathetically.

"I thought you said you'd take care of her?" Max says sternly completely aimed at Saac. I can't remember a thing of what happened.

"I tried to stop her. She just kept stepping back." Isaac pleas.

"It's not his fault guys. I was the one who went up on the mountain without any protective gear on" I sigh.

"Only because you were following him" Noah speaks up. Oscar climbs on the bed next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around him and stroke the ends of his long hair tentatively.

"Guys, I'm fine." I shrug.

"Incase you haven't noticed, your head is all bandaged up and your arm is in a cast." Tyler says angrily. I look down at my arm. He's not lying. It's so numb that I didn't even notice it being there.

"Hey at least it's purple?" I try to lighten to mood. Tyler shoots daggers at me. "What day is it?"

"Saturday. The 11th" Tyler glares.

"Your game! Your career changing game!" I exclaim.

"It's 2am. He'll make it in time." Mom says softly. I turn to Mason a little too quickly making my head pulsate.

"Happy Birthday little bro. 16 now." I beam at him.

"At least someone remembered." Mason mutters.

"What are we doing to celebrate?" I look around at my family members who all look at the ground.


"You're not fit enough to go anywhere." Dad says the words no one else wants to say. "The doctors say that you may lose all use of your arm."

"No" I laugh. "This is a joke"

"Nearly every bone in your arm has been crushed or disfigured in someway. The muscles are torn and the ligaments are almost non existent." Charlie says as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I can move it just fine" I say using my good bones to lift the heavy cast up. I try to wiggle my fingers but nothing happens. "I'll go to physiotherapy. I'll do everything."

"It's not that easy Luna-" Max says softly.

"Well I'll make it that easy." I growl. The door swings open and 3 people in white lab coats enter the room.

"Hello Luna" The male in the middle says with a smile.

"Hi" I shrug. He looks around at my gigantic family.

"Could we have just family in here please?" The short, blonde female to his left says cheerfully.

"They are my family." I scowl. "Look can we just get on with it? Can I go home or can't I?"

"There's nothing we can do for your arm here so I don't see why not" The male says.

"Oh great. Fantastic to know that our taxes are paying for you to be able to not do your job" I say with a sarcastic tone.

"Luna!" My mother exclaims, embarrassment flushing her cheeks. Mason lets out a laugh as Charlie shoots him a glare.

"If you and your parents could just sign these checkout papers then you can be on your way." The third female nurse says, handing the bright pink clipboard to my father along with a purple fluffy pen. It's as if my health is some kind of joke around here. He passes the paper to Mom and then back to me. I reach up to take the board from him with my paralytic arm. I groan and sit back as he passes the document to my good hand. I prop it up on my legs as I try to grasp the pen in my hand. I'm right handed and that arm happens to be in an itchy, hideous bit of paper maché.

"Isaac help" I look up at him. He walks over to me warily as Oscar climbs off the bed. Isaac sits down softly next to me and holds the pen in his left hand, on top of my own. That's one of the big differences between the two of us; Isaac's left handed whilst I'm right handed. Other than the fact that I'm a girl and he's a boy it's pretty much the only difference.

"Slowly" He says softly, he pushes my hand along the page in the shape of my signature. "It's not perfect but it'll have to do." He says backing off the bed. He hands the male doctor the clip board and heads over to his rucksack in the corner of the room. He pulls out some clothes for me and hands them to me with caution. He's looking at me as if he's done something wrong. "Sawyer packed them."

"Tell her thanks" I smile. "How's Cam?"

"He's alright. He's been texting you but you haven't been awake. I opened them. Hope you don't mind." Isaac says with a cheeky grin.

"I don't know why I expected anything less." I shrug. I flick the bedsheets off of my body and climb out of bed. I look down at myself, cuts from the ice cover my legs and feet. I reach up to my head, wincing in pain as I realise what the crack was before I blacked out. I remember the sound but nothing else from that day. The last thing I remember is telling Jack that I have no feelings when I look at him. I was such a bitch to him. He's been my best friend since before I can remember and we've lost each other over some wannabe hoe. No way. I shake off all my anger as I pull on the clothes that Sawyer has packed. Once I'm ready I take Oscar's little hand in my own and we head out of the hospital.

Darkness fills the sky as I climb into the rental car that my parents have taken out. I lay my head softly against the window as the 9 of us pile into the minibus.

"So what happens now?" I ask.

"We go home"

All it Took ~ c.dWhere stories live. Discover now