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I can't believe this. Sawyer was perfectly fine ditching me for Saac yesterday. Now all of a sudden someone actually shows an interest in me and she can't stand it. I bang on the door of the adjoined room. Seconds later it opens.

"I'm sorry but I can't come ice skating with you today. Sawyer's in a massive mood and I have to go skiing with her." I storm into the room. Face-planting onto the bed, not paying attention to anyone in the room.

"Are you looking for Cameron?" I hear Jack's voice. I hold a thumbs up to him, too mentally exhausted to respond. "He's not here. He said something about Isaac and you and then stormed out."

"What?" I say sitting up quickly. "So I argued with my best friend to just be ditched without warning?"

"Guess so" He shrugs. "Hey, me and you can still have fun today if everyone else is being pooey" He says sounding like the little kid that he is at heart.

"Sounds like a plan" I say as he sits next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder. "I just don't get what came over her. She screamed at me for not being there for her when I've been here this whole time. I came to your stupid party because she wanted to... Well that and because I was physically dragged here."

"I think I can answer that one." Jack says standing up, leaving me to fall sideways on the bed."Last night, Sawyer kind of laid it all out on the line for Saac and he kind of threw it back in her face."

"I don't remember any of that" I say pulling myself up once again. I'm so tired its unreal- I think I could fall asleep at any point.

"You were fast asleep before it even happened. That's why she left without you."

"I thought she was over him. I mean obviously she is attracted to him because what girl isn't, but I didn't think she actually had feelings for him. How did I not see it?"

"You have no idea of what 'feelings' look like. You've been so independent your whole life that you don't need a boy to make you feel special."

"I guess so" I shrug, trying to wrap my brain around the fact that my best friend likes my brother. Again. "This is like one of those 'my best friends brother' books where the girl is completely unaware of what's happening right before her eyes."

"You're such a nerd" Jack laughs, pulling on his hat and zipping up his coat. "By the way, are you wearing a boys coat?"

"Shut up okay, it's Tyler's from when he was on this trip. He figured he'd never need it what with living in LA so he left it in his room."

"So you stole it"

"I wouldn't say steal.. More borrow"

"You're going to get yourself in trouble one day. Mark my words."

"Whatever. Let's go; Newbie wanted us... 7 minutes ago." I say dragging him in the direction of the slopes.


After a humiliating lecture from Mr Newman, Jack and I finally stand at the back of the group listening to the instructor tell us how to pick what we want to do- skiing or snowboarding. Considering that Max's first choice was not baseball, I'm already a pretty good skier. He wanted to be the next Eddie the eagle until he found out that being hit by that baseball flying at 70mph could kill you quicker. Jack on the other hand has never set foot on snow in his life- even if this is artificial snow. Once the lecture that I didn't listen to a word of is over, we're left to start practicing how to start and stop.

"So you really don't know how to ski" I laugh as Jack falls on his butt for the fourth time in 5 minutes.

"Does it look like I can?" He says getting frustrated.

"You could just be a really good actor" I smirk although he can't see because of the balaclava covering my entire face.

"I might be a good actor but I'm blatantly not any good at this" He laughs loosing his balance once again. I grab his arm tightly keeping him upright. "Thanks"

"I've got your back bro" I say with a laugh.

"Jack? Can I talk to you for a second?" I hear Cameron's voice behind me. I let go of Jack's arm cautiously, ready to grab him if he looks like he's going to fall again.

"If I can stand up long enough" Jack says with a boyish smile.

"I know you're tight with Isaac but what is his deal?" He exclaims.

"What's his deal?" Jack repeats, reading my mind at the same time.

"Is he always so protective over Luna? He totally warned me off her. He tried telling me embarrassing stories about her and everything"

"Like what?" Jack smirks. He'd love to find out something totally soul crushing about me so he can bully me with it.

"He said something about her peeing herself when she sneezes" Cameron says with a small laugh. Oh my god that's so embarrassing. How could Isaac do that to me? Remind me to kill him next time I see him. "It didn't work though" Cameron shrugs. For once I'm thanking my older brothers for making me look like just another boy. He doesn't have a clue I'm stood right here. "It's actually kind of cute"

"That's our Luna. She's a cutie." Jack laughs. "But yeah, Isaac has always been like that. The first time I met him he warned me not to like her- baring in mind we were pretty much fresh out of the womb." Well at least that clears that up. I kind of always wondered why he didn't like me. I mean, aren't boys supposed to fall in love with their girl best friend? I guess not when they have 7 overbearing brothers that wouldn't hesitate to break your arms if you so much as look at her the wrong way.

"It kind of sucks though. I wasn't even starting to like her." Cameron continues. Ouch. "Guess we'll never know now."

"Luna's not really a boyfriend kind of girl anyway. It's probably for the best." Jack responds. I glare at him through my green tinted goggles. "She doesn't catch feelings easily anyway."

"Yo Jack!" I hear my brother's voice shout as I watch him advance towards us.

"So I should probably go" Cameron says before heading down the slope. I thought he said he couldn't ski?

"What's up man?" Jack says putting on his fake, jock voice.

"What did he want?"

"Nothing much. Just some advice on-" He trails off. "Skiing" He nods, proud of himself.

"Really? From you?" Isaac looks at him in disbelief.

"Surprisingly enough" Jack shrugs.

"So anyway have you seen Luna?"

"I'm right here Saac" I speak up. He jumps slightly at the sound of my voice.

"You look like a dude"

"Comes in handy when cute boys come over telling me that you told them embarrassing stories about wetting myself" I say pulling off my goggles and balaclava. "I can't believe you!" My brother doesn't reply. Instead he reaches out and flattens out my crazy hat hair. "Don't try and act like we're friends. We're siblings. I don't have a choice. I'm stuck with you so I'd appreciate it if you didn't make my life a living hell every second of every day." I say clicking my feet into my rented snowboard, pulling on my goggles and taking off down the slope before me.

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