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Once we've met up with the rest of my school mates and discovered that the teacher lumbered with this motley crew is Mr 'Newby' Newman; the most recent addition to the maths department, we check our bags in. Isaac of course is scolded for not packing lightly enough, leaving me to put on a pair of his tracksuit bottoms and a matching sweatshirt as it went over his 51lb limit. Oh the perks of being a twin.

I hear a few snickers at my new Michelin-man appearance but Mason gives a quick glare and the 98 pound girl immediately shuts up.

"So I might miss you a tiny little bit" He smirks down on me. He's another one of the tall brothers at a huge 5"11 for a 15 year old.

"Awh Mase" I say attempting to wrap my arms around him. All the players on the team he belongs to are about 2 years older than him so have actually 'filled out' and make the burly teenager look work but Mase on the other hand kind of resembles a kid who's eaten a little too much turkey on thanksgiving. I know I'm harsh towards my brothers but that's because they're my brothers; if someone else where to say that I would not hesitate to hit them with a college elite football tackle that Charlie taught me over the holidays.

"Don't get all sentimental on me now. I won't miss you that much- I get to be the oldest child in the house." He laughs. "Finally" He adds with a snicker.

"It's only two weeks. Don't get used to it. Queen Luna won't be gone for too long." I say with a flick of my long blonde hair.

"Luna will eclipse me once again" He adds with a laugh. It's sort of a running joke in my family. I was the fat child out of the 8 of us so every time I 'blocked the sunlight' they all shouted 'LUNA ECLIPSE' because they thought they were funny.

"Funny" I groan sarcastically.

"Okay 11th graders" I hear Newbie shout to the 30 pupils and their families. "It's time to check in, please say your goodbyes, get your passports and boarding passes and report to me for a head count" He calls, worriedly running a hand through his short black hair. He's in charge here and if we all miss this flight its all on him. "Allcroft." I hear him call. Isaac and I both turn at the exact same time. "I'm not happy about your excessive packing" He says walking over. I breathe a slight breath of relief as I realise he's talking to Isaac. He'll certainly charm him into his way of thinking. It's one of his many talents; he can get anyone- male or female- to practically fall in love with him with a smile and a flash of his dimple.

"This should be good" I hear Mason mutter as we watch Isaac's brain churning to think of an excuse.

"But Sir" He starts. "Snowboarding is my thing. I have to take all of my gear if I'm going to get some significant practice in"

"What exactly do you have in them? You can have a detention for every bit of useless luggage when we get back." Jeez sir, we haven't even left Cali yet and you're already talking about getting back. Maybe I should step in here so that we can actually catch the flight. No way am I getting up at 2am to miss this trip.

"Some of my stuff is in there" I lie to his face. I'm not going to let my brother get into trouble for his inability to pack properly. I bet there's a massive bag of candy in there knowing Isaac.

"And what could you possibly need?" He rolls her eyes. He may be the newbie in school but he sure is no pushover.

"Girl stuff" I shrug. "Tampons, bras-" I see him grimace, shrug and then turn to walk away. I don't even need to finish my list.

"Thanks Luna" Isaac says giving me a side hug.

"You owe me. 1. For saving your butt and 2. For overheating in this boiling death trap of yours." I say blowing a piece of hair out of my face.

"I'll buy you a Minnesotion delicacy when we get there" He nods.

"Minnesotan" I correct him.

"Such a know it all"

"You lurveee me though" I tease.

"Enough you two" Mom says, tapping the back of both of our heads to get us to stop. "Give me some love before you get swept off to the slopes"

"Bye mom" I say hugging her tightly as Isaac says his goodbyes to our father.

"Look after him won't you? I can trust you not to do something stupid but your brother on the other hand...." She trails off.

"I've got his back mom, you don't need to worry"

"If he comes back with half and eyebrow then I'll hold you personally responsible" She says hugging me a little too tightly. "And likewise for you"

"Okay mom I promise I'll take care of him"

"Okay, okay go before I start crying"

"You have nothing to cry about Mom" I say with a small laugh. "It's only two weeks" I add before moving towards Dad.

"Bye Luna" He says hugging me.

"Bye Daddy" I smile. I'm still a daddy's girl at heart. It's easy to get my own way when growing up with 7 boys.

"Make sure he doesn't hurt himself yeah?" He asks me, the sports doctor/coach in him shining through.

"Of course Coach" I say with a small laugh.

"Juniors" Mr Newman yells, attracting the attention of more than just our school. "Allcrofts!" He says sternly.

"We have a lot of family members Sir" I say a little louder than anticipated. My four remaining brothers all engulf me in a hug as we silently say our goodbyes. We've never been good with words; we're there for each other and that's all that matters. I kiss Mason, Noah and Oscar on the top of the head and link arms with Isaac before we pick up our carry-ons and make our way to the group. Mr Newman gives us a look that I know means there will be trouble at some point on this trip but honestly I couldn't care less. I'm going to have a great time and no one and nothing can stop me.

All it Took ~ c.dWhere stories live. Discover now