Series 8 Episode 8: Mummy on the Orient Express (Part 4)

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P.O.V: The Doctor

"I think we need to talk." I approached the Captain.

Quell looked at me in annoyance. "This matter does not concern the passengers."

"I'm not a passenger. I'm your worst nightmare." I held up my psychic paper in front of his face and he sighed in annoyance.

"A mystery shopper. Oh, great." Really? Mystery shopper?

"Really? That's your worst? Okay, I'm a mystery shopper. I could do with an extra pillow and I'm very disappointed with your breakfast bar and all of the dying."

Quell sighed and led me into his office. He got two glasses from a cupboard and poured some drinks. I noticed the framed certificate of bravery awarded to him by the United Galaxy Tours.

"This is not exactly within your job description." He sighed and handed my the glass.

"Come on, Captain. Where would we all be if we all followed our job descriptions, hmm? Good question. Glad you asked. In your case, you'd be doing something instead of climbing inside a bottle." I retorted.

"I have followed the procedure for accidental death to the letter." He sat down wearily and rubbed his temple.

"Yes, I'm sure you have. And I'm sure you do just enough of your job to avoid complaints." Good one Doc.

"You don't know anything about me." Quell seemed keen on me shying away from his secrets. Anyone would.

"Wounded in battle, honorable discharge. And this is just a guess, but I think you've had the fight knocked out of you. You expected this to be a cushy desk job where you could put your head down until retirement. Well, I'm sorry. As of today, that dream is over."

His eyes widened, but he quickly regained his composure.

"There is no evidence of any attack or other parties---"

"Yes, let's just sit around and wait for the evidence while the bodies pile up. Or here's a crazy thought. We could do something to stop it. Why am I even talking to you?" I left his office absently and almost ran into Perkins, holding rolls of paper.

"Er, passenger manifest, plan of the train and a list of stops for the past six months." He said happily.

"Quick work Perkins." I congratulated him."Maybe too quick." I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, sir. I'm obviously the mummy. Or perhaps I was already looking into this." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.


P.O.V: Clara Oswald

Maisie and I were sitting against the wall, eyeing the sarcophagus.

"This Doctor. He's your what, exactly?" Maisie asked.

I sighed. "He's not my anything." I didn't really know what he was, really.

"Oh, you mean you're just friends." Of course! Why does everyone think we're something else? Something more?

"Yeah, Of course we're just friends. Oh. Well, not even friends, not any more." I replied.

"Well, that clearly isn't true." What? What does she know?

"It's true. It is. It's very true."

"You do seem to be here together." She's not wrong. Maybe things could change? Maybe we could sort things out! I mentally sighed and changed the subject.

"Seriously? We're stuck in this carriage, probably all night, and all we can talk about is some man?"

"Some man?" Maisie said, confused.

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