Chapter 3

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Lunch time


“There’s my girl!”

I closed my eyes and sighed. I had been trying to avoid Josh all lunch period and apparently it didn’t work; he’d found me. I turned around and smiled to him.

“Hey Josh.”

He had already put his stuff down and pulled me to him before kissing me. Now, I haven’t kissed a ton of guys, but I have kissed enough to know that Josh was not a good kisser. Plus the fact that I didn’t really like him, at all.

He pulled back and held me at arm’s length, glancing back at his football friends. “See guys, I told you I win.”

Excuse me? “Win what sweety?” I asked in as sweet of a voice as I could, though I’m pretty sure I was glaring some.

“A bet we had going,” he said in a dismissive voice. I raised a threatening eyebrow and he rolled his eyes. “We were betting who had the hottest girlfriend and I won.”

“Of course you did,” I smiled, flipping my hair and using it as an excuse to back out of his arms, “I’m the best looking girl in town.”

I smiled to Ashley who gave me one of those jealous half smiles. “Totally, though I’m a close second.”

I stood beside her and leaned back on the stone half wall. “Yes, a close second.” We exchanged venomous grins. Ashley was my best friend but if she ever saw an opening to take me down and take my place as head of the school, she would do it in a heartbeat. That was normal for friends, right?

“So Ashley,” Josh crossed his arms, “You going to the party Friday?”

There was a small surprised look on Ashley’s face that quickly disappeared. I couldn’t help but grin at the fact that I knew about the party before her. “Well,” Ashley flipped her hair, “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go or not.” She was trying to play it cool but I could see right through her.

“You should go, Cole here could use date to the party.” Josh shook Cole’s shoulder then smiled to Ashley.

“You should,” I smiled to her, “You’d keep me entertained when Josh disappears with his boring friends.”

Ashley smiled then shrugged. “Well, I suppose it would be fun. Sure, I’ll go.”

“Sweet!” Cole high-fived Josh and Ashley and I rolled our eyes. Boys.

The bell rang and Josh quickly pulled me to him, kissing me again, before he took off. I nodded to Ashley then let out a slow breath as I walked away to class, relaxing while I could.


Art Class

I looked up at the clock then at the empty seat next to me. She was here this morning, I saw her in the hall staring at me. The bell was going to ring any second. Maybe she left early, or maybe she found a way to drop the class. I grinned, she didn’t seem very artistic anyways.

A loud sound echoed through the room as a bag dropped on the hard floor beside me. “What are you grinning at?”

I turned to see Kirsten taking a seat right as the bell rang. I immediately dropped the smile. “I thought you wouldn’t be here today.”

“Well why wouldn’t I be?” She started to turn away then jerked her head back toward me. “You were grinning because I wasn’t here? How rude! And mean. I could have gotten seriously injured and been rushed to the hospital. I could have been in emergency care for days!”

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