Chapter 28

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“Are we getting them Ally cat?” I asked as I steered the truck around a corner.

She smiled and nodded. “We’re getting em.”

I smiled, just happy to see her finally relaxing. She woke up not too long after Kirsten left. Apparently she had a pretty bad dream and was really freaked out by it. I tried to get her calmed down and back in bed, but she was wide awake and too scared to sleep.

So, I told her we were going on an adventure and we were going to chase the monsters away, then go back home and get some sleep. We even brought our attack puppy. That made Ally really excited to get to bring Bandit on our nighttime adventure.

I spotted the park up ahead and smiled then looked to Ally with a fake surprised look. “Look over there, at the park! I think I see them trying to hide in there!”

“Get em bubbu!”

“Okay.” I parked the truck beside the park then hopped out and opened Ally’s door, helping her and Bandit down. “But you and the attack puppy have to help me.”

She suddenly looked nervous, so I smiled to her and gave her Bandit’s leash. “It’s alright Ally cat, Bandit won’t let them get to you. Besides, they’ll be too afraid of our highly trained monster attack puppy and run away. Now you ready to get them?”

She held Bandit’s leash tight and nodded. “Okay.”

“Alright.” I grinned then started slowly running into the park, going slow enough that Ally and Bandit could keep up with me.

“Go away monsters, we’re not afraid!” I said, trying not to be too loud.

“Go away monsters!” Ally repeated. “I not scared of you!”

“That’s right. We’re not scared, monsters. Rawr!”

She giggled then started making claws with her fingers. “Rawr, rawr, rawr!”

Bandit barked along as we chased after shadows and squirrels, pretending they were monsters. We climbed all over the play equipment, acting like monsters ourselves. Of course it made perfect sense; if you want to scare off a monster, you have to act like a bigger monster. Or at least that’s what I told Ally.

We finally agreed that the monsters were gone and were slowly heading back to the truck when I spotted Dawn walking toward us.

“Hey, that you Dawn?” I called.

She immediately smiled and took a few quick steps to close the gap between us. “Hey guys. What’re you doing here so late?” 

“We were monster hunting,” I said with a grin.

Ally nodded excitedly. “We chased em all the way here then scared em away.”

Dawn acted surprised and excited. “Really? Are you sure you got all of them? Because I don’t want any trying to sneak into my room tonight.”

“Yep!” Ally nodded. “We gots em all.”

Dawn smiled. “Way to go. Now we’re all safe.”

Bandit barked once, wagging his tail and sniffing Dawn. I grinned. “We even used our highly trained monster attack puppy, so the monsters didn’t stand a change.”

Dawn gave me one of her small smiles. “Yeah, that’ll do it.”

“So what’re you doing here?” I asked. “Something tells me you weren’t hunting monsters too.”

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