Chapter 25

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After we got my sweet little Bandit, we stopped by the pet store and got everything he could possibly need. Lucas made a big deal about it, but I still set it all up, including all the bags of toys I got him, in Lucas’s apartment. After I was sure my little Bandit was okay, I let Lucas and Ally drive me home.

“Thanks,” I said as we pulled into my driveway.

“No problem.” Lucas leaned over Ally and gave me a quick kiss.

As Lucas leaned back, Ally squealed, “EWWWWW!”

“Ewww,” he repeated, teasing her.

She giggled. “Don’t do that!”

“Then look away,” he smirked then reached over and gave my hand a squeeze. “Sorry, the kissing police is getting me.”

“Dat’s right!” Ally said with a giggle.

I smiled. “That’s alright. Oh, can I come over tomorrow and work on my project?”

“Of course,” Lucas looked down at Ally, “If Ally Cat doesn’t mind.”

Ally shook her head. “Nope. I like her.” Ally leaned over and hugged my arm. “I like her best!”

Awwww. She liked me best. I couldn’t help but smile, it was just so sweet. Lucas dropped his jaw dramatically. “Ouch Ally cat, ouch.”

She giggled then let me go. “Alright,” I gave Ally a quick hug, “I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow. Take good care of our puppy for me, okay?”

Ally nodded quickly and Lucas smirked. “Oh yeah, we will. But if he magically ends up living with the nice neighbors tonight, it’s not my fault.”

“He better not,” I said, giving a playful glare as I got out. “Bye.”

I waved as they pulled out and drove down the street, then walked up to the door and stepped inside. As soon as I did, my mom popped out from around the corner, her hands on her hips.

“What has been going through your head young lady?” she demanded.

I froze, trying to think of what I’d done wrong. Did she know I was with Lucas? Was that what she was upset about? “Um, I’m not sure.”

She shook her head. “Why would you break up with Josh? You two were perfect.”

Oh, it’s just that. What a relief. I rolled my eyes. “Mom, it’s my life okay?”

“And I’m your mother, it’s my job to keep you from messing it up before you even graduate high school.”

“I don’t want to be with him, okay? He doesn’t listen to me.”

“Doesn’t listen to you?” She looked like she was about to laugh. “Sweety, he’s a boy! Boys don’t listen, it’s something you learn to work around.”

“That’s not true, there are boys that listen.” Lucas listened to me, so much so that it was annoying at times when he quoted me later. “I even know one that-“

“Stop living in a dream world Kirsten!” She yelled so loud it made me jump. “I love you, but you’re not the brightest bulb in the package sweetheart, I’ve seen your grades. You need someone who’s going somewhere, someone who can support you.”

“Really mom!?” I couldn’t believe she was actually saying this. “I’m still in high school!”

“And you need to think about your future,” she said very matter-of-factly. 

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