Chapter 17

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Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.

“Hello lover? Are we in Sex in the City or something?” Kirsten threw her hands on her hips and turned to glare at me. “Who’s she?” 

I knew I needed to tread carefully here, but I honestly had no clue what to say. Unfortunately, Angel beat me to the punch.

“I’m his girl, princess. Who the hell are you?” She turned and raised an eyebrow at me. “I didn’t realize you were doing charity work now.”

“Excuse me,” Kirsten said as she stepped forward. “The girl with pink hair thinks I’m the charity case? Really?” Her head then whipped in my direction. “She’s your girl?”

“Ex,” I said quickly, “ex-girl, eh, ex-girlfriend. No longer together.”

“And to think I came all this way to see you,” Angel said with a pouty face, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Back off bitch,” Kirsten said, grabbing Angel’s arm and pulling her back.

And I repeat; oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. I wasn’t sure what Kirsten was going to do, but I knew Angel was two seconds away from attacking Kirsten. Knowing that Angel was the immediate danger, and seeing that she was already moving toward Kirsten, I acted.

I grabbed Angel and pulled her back. “Oh no you don’t. Calm down, both of you.”

Somehow, that just made Kirsten madder and she started to march toward Angel. “You come in here thinking you own the place!”

“Whoa!” I looked over to see Dawn standing a few feet away. Dawn was Angel’s little sister and the nicer of the two.

“Little help!” I yelled to her and she raced forward, grabbing Kirsten and pulling her back before she could do anything to Angel.

“Cat fight!” one of the guys yelled.

“Not helping!” I yelled back before looking to Dawn. “Nice to see you again.”

“You too,” she said with a small smile. “You take the back room and I’ll take the backyard?” She asked.

“Just like old times,” I said with a sigh, pulling Angel into one of back rooms as Dawn pulled and pushed Kirsten out the backdoor.

I closed the door behind me and let go of Angel, glaring daggers at her. “What were you thinking? We broke up long ago.”

She grinned, fixing her hair. “I was thinking I wanted to change that.”


“Let me go!” I yelled as the girl pulled me outside.

She closed the door behind her then let me go, holding her hands up. “Alright, not touching you.”

“Thanks,” I said harshly, straightening my shirt.

I looked up and raised an eyebrow at her. She had long hair with long bangs that covered one eye. The front of her hair, around her face, was a bright orangeish red and the rest of it was white. Her skin was pretty pail and she was wearing dark mascara and eyeliner around her big green eyes.

It all seemed pretty weird, but somehow she looked amazing. She was really small too, I wish I was that thin. She just looked so young and innocent, though I had a feeling she was far from innocent. She also seemed kind of nice. I mean, she had pulled me out here against my will, but then she let me go and now she was giving me my space.

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