Chapter 4

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My phone rang and I put my pencil down. “Hello?”

“Hey man!”

“What’s up Seth?”

“Weeeeeeeeeeeell I found out about this awesome party Friday.”

I picked the pencil back up and tried to keep sketching while I talked. “What kind of party?”

“Well, eh, it’s a jock’s party.”

And the pencil went back down. “Some stupid jock’s party? Seriously?”

“Hey! It seems like it’ll be kinda fun.”

“And you got invited?”

“Nope,” I could hear the excitement in his voice. “We’re going to crash it, that’s the fun part!”

“Seth,” I rubbed my forehead, “I think you’ve got the wrong definition of fun.”

“Oh come on, you know it’ll be fun. You know you want to goooo.”

“There are at least a hundred things I’d rather be doing, including some extreme examples that I can’t say out loud because Ally’s in the room.”

Hearing her name, Ally looked up at me from her place in the middle of the floor of my art studio. Not sure why, but whenever I was in here she loved to sit with me and play with her toys. I smiled to her and she looked back down, making her stuffed animals dance around.

“You party pooper.” Now he was pouting. “Please go with me. I really really want to go but I don’t want to go alone.”

“You do know that if they see us there, they’ll kick our- “ I glanced at Ally then censored myself, “rear ends.”

Seth laughed. “It’s funny when you’re trying to talk all angry around your sister.”

“How about I send you a very colorful text?” I grinned.

“Eh, anyway, yeah I know, that’s why I’m bringing you along! That way if they attack, I can throw you at them and while you are all fighting I can make a run for it.”

I laughed. “Thanks buddy, you’re a real friend.”

“Well I would totally help, but I wouldn’t want to mess my clothes up.”

“Of course not, how silly of me to even suggest that.”

His voice changed to whinny again. “Please come with me, please please please please pleeeeeeeeeease! If you don’t agree to go with me I won’t tell you about the other awesome party on Saturday.”


“Yep, and that’s one you’ll actually want to go to.”

Hmmmmm. “Who’s party is it.”

“Huh uh! Not until you agree to go to the one on Friday.”

I rolled my eyes. “Alright, fine. I’ll go to the stupid jock party on Friday, now what’s with this party on Saturday?”

“Oh goodie!” I heard him clapping. “Okay, so Greyson is throwing a party for a few friends Saturday night.”

“Whoa whoa whoa, hold up. Greyson? I thought you said it was a party.”

“It is!”

I laughed. “He doesn’t have parties, they’re just scheduled times for a lot of friends to hang out.”

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