Chapter 20

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I sat in art, trying to keep my eyes on my work and off of Kirsten. She hadn’t said a word to me since she came in, hadn’t even looked at me. Heck, she’d hardly made a noise. I didn’t really blame her though.

Don’t get me wrong, it still ticked me off that she had jumped to conclusions and all without even asking me about it, and the thing about my money being such a big deal still upset me, but I did act like a jerk.

I shouldn’t have yelled at her like that and I should have worked harder to control myself. It still freaks me out that I came that close to hurting her. I don’t know what I’d do if I hurt Kirsten. As much as it annoyed me to admit it, I still loved that stubborn, annoying, hard headed girl.

“Hey, look,” one of the students said, pointing out the window. “It’s raining.”

I turned around and looked out the window to see for myself. Sure enough, it was raining, and not some wimpy little drizzle. No, it was coming down pretty hard out there. I’m sure it’d have the bed of my truck filled up in no time. Then a thought popped into my head.

“Crap!” I yelled as I jumped up. “The shoes are still in the back of my truck!” I raced across the room and slid out the door. “They’ll get ruined!”

I flew through the building and raced across the parking lot, hoping they weren’t already soaking in a foot of water. I knew I should have taken them inside the other night, or at least thrown them inside my truck. But no, I left them in the back and now the rain wanted to mess them up.

I know they’re just shoes, but they’re Kirsten’s shoes and she had loved them. I couldn’t let them get messed up.

Reaching the truck, I leaned over the side and plucked her shoes out of the back. Luckily they were stuck behind the tire bump so they hadn’t been soaking in the puddle that was forming by the cab of the truck.

I turned around and slowly walked back toward the buildings, breathing hard as I tried to catch my breath. I considered speeding up, at least until I reached the awning and was out of the rain, but realized it didn’t really matter. I was already pretty close to soaked.

As I came up on the first awning, I glanced up and froze. Kirsten was standing there under the awning, looking at me with hopeful eyes.


Lucas looked up then stopped when he saw me, holding my pink converse at his side. He was an idiot for running out into the cold rain for a pair of shoes. He was absolutely drenched, standing there in the pouring rain. His clothes were stuck to him and his hair was matted down with water. But it made him look absolutely adorable. An adorable idiot.

Plus the fact that he was now glancing around and fidgeting nervously as he stood in the rain, making him look like an adorable, awkward idiot.

“What are you doing?” I yelled to him through the rain.

He looked around then back to me, tilting his head to the side and trying to look at me through his matted down hair. “Saving your shoes?”

Aww. “You ran through the freezing rain to get my shoes?” I stepped to the edge of the awning. “The ones I threw at you after I yelled at you?”

He looked down at the shoes, lifting them to get a better look before lowering them back to his side, then looked back up to me. “Yeah?”

Awwww. I smiled, leaning on one of the poles that holds up the awning. “But I told you I didn’t want them.”

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