Chapter 1

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"Hey Geetard! Let's go, we're late!" I scream down the stairs at Gerard, my brother. "It's the first day at our new school! I need to be early!"

I could hear him snort from his bathroom in the basement, yelling back "And I need to look good!" I sigh, running my hand through my hair. He's like a girl. He finally came up the stairs wearing his favorite Green Day shirt, black skinny jeans with a dark green belt and his trusty Black Flag messenger bag at his side, his black hair greasier than physically possible. "Alright, I'm done, lets go." He struts past me like the diva he is, leaving me to run and catch up.

"Why so fancy?" I ask, a smirk clearly showing on my face.

"What? I can't dress to impress myself?" He says, a small smirk also playing on his lips.

"No. Don't get in anyone's pants on the first day of school, Gee." I smack the back of his head and walk towards the school, hoping to still get there on time.


I wake up to my mother shaking me, telling me to 'get the fuck up before I sell your guitar.' I quickly get out of bed, get in the shower, put on my favorite Misfits shirt and red skinny jeans with a red and black studded belt, trying to impress nobody in particular, and rimmed my eyes with red eyeliner and smudged it a little. Once I'm satisfied, I grab my Green Day bag and walk out the door and say goodbye to my mother, beginning to walk down the street to Ray's house, putting in my headphones. I put on Die, Die My Darling by Misfits and headbang a little all the way to Ray's house.
I run up to his door and walk in without hesitation, since its practically my second home. I find him in the kitchen eating waffles so I sit down and steal some, stuffing it in my mouth while he glares at me. He was wearing his favorite jeans- light blue with small rips-, a pink floyd shirt, and red converse. "What?" I try to say with a mouthful of waffles but it just sounds like 'whmmp?'.

He laughs a little, breaking the glare. He finishes the rest of his waffles and gets up. "You ready?" He asks, grabbing his bag.

"Yeah, let's go." I get up and follow him to his car.

"So, how's your mom?" He asks, trying to start a conversation.

I giggle a little, looking at him. "Ray, I know you have a little crush on my mom-"

"No I don't!"

"-BUT, I rather you not try to get with my mother." I tease, poking him in the arm lightly. He smacks the back of my head and I whine dramatically, crossing my arms and pouting. He just laughs and starts driving to hell, also known as school. We talk about random shit the entire way there, as usual. We get there early and Ray parks in a far away spot so no jocks got an idea to destroy the car. We started parking farther away when it happened the first time. We get out of the car and I immediately spot two guys around me and Ray's age, brothers I'm guessing, walking towards the school in a heated argument. "Ray, look! The raven haired one is hot." I point over to them.

Ray looks for a moment before laughing and facing me. "Frankie, there's no way that the raven haired one is better looking then the lanky one." We argue for a few more minutes until the brothers get close enough to hear us and we pause, waiting for them to pass. They look at us weird, and go back to arguing about... Makeup? Ray and I start arguing again about which brother was better looking. We had to stop arguing about it when we get up to the door because we already are known as fairies, so might as well NOT make it worse. We get to our lockers that are in an abandoned hall, which took us forever to get, and start arguing again. We finally agreed to disagree, because it's hopeless to try and change each other's minds. We hear voices and we glance at each other, knowing we're thinking the same thing. The only people who come down this hallway besides us are the jocks who love to use us as punching bags, but the footsteps seem lighter than the jocks. I glance at Ray, confused. He shrugs and keeps looking while I go back to getting my stuff.


After getting our timetables from the extremely creepy lady in the office, Mikey and I start walking through the halls, looking for our lockers. We turn a corner and see a massive 'fro and the short guy from earlier. I elbow Mikey and he looks at them, but mostly the guy with the 'fro. I giggle and look at the locker numbers again. I look at the closest locker. "Mikey, our lockers should be in this hallway." I whisper, elbowing him again. He nods and bows his head, walking again. I sigh and shake my head, following him. I continue staring at locker numbers until we pass the short kid and the guy with the fro and I stop Mikey. Out of all the fucking lockers is this hallway, ours had to me right next to theirs. Mikey looks at his timetable, then at the lockers, then at the two guys next to them. His face reddens, and he quickly goes to his locker to put his stuff in. I walk to my locker and put my combination into it and open it, shoving most of my stuff into it, but pulling out my sketchbook, notebook and a few pencils.


There was an awkward silence while I watched the raven haired one of the two get his stuff out. A sketchpad, he must be an artist.
'Duh, he pulled out a fucking sketchpad, of course he's a fucking artist!'
"Oh shut up." My face heats up hen I notice all of them staring at me. I didn't mean to say that out loud. "I- uh... I was talking to myself..." Ray laughs and turns to the brothers.

"I'm Ray, and this idiot-"

"Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

"-is Frank. He's a little messed up, don't mind him." The taller one giggles a little, and the other just smiles. I wave a little and the taller one is the first to speak.

"I'm Mikey, and this is my brother, Gerard. He's antisocial, so don't expect him to speak much. I like your hair, by the way." He stares at Ray's 'fro while he's talks and blushes a little at the end. Rays face goes red also and he smiles. "We're both seniors. What about you?"

Ray just stares, so I decide to answer. "We're seniors too. If you guys are brothers why are you in the same year?"

Mikey smiles a little. "I'm pretty smart, so I skipped a year." I nod a little and look at his brother. He's slowly retreating to behind his brother and I smile a little. He seems really shy. I look back to Mikey when he asks a question. "Could you guys help us? We have no idea where to go."

Ray smiles again and nods. "Let me see your timetables." Mikey hands over both of their timetables and Ray looks at them, a small smile creeping onto his face. He hands them back to Mikey, now fully smiling. "Mikey, you have all classes with me except math and science, which you have with Frank. Gerard has everything with Frank except math and science, which he has with me, and then we all have music together at the end of the day. So Frank, you can show Gerard around, I'll show Mikey around and then we will meet at lunch and you can show Mikey science, math and music then I will do the same with Gerard, if that's okay with you two?" He looks at Mikey and Gerard for assurance and they nod. The bell went off, and Mikey whispered something in Gerard's ear, making his face go red and giggle a little.


The bell rang, so Ray and Mikey closed their lockers. Mikey got close and whispered in my ear "Don't get into Frank's pants on the first day."

I giggled and whispered back "Don't get into Ray's 'fro on the first day, either." I smirked while he started laughing his ass off. Ray and Frank looked confused, but I just shrugged.

Mikey eventually calmed down, after almost fainting from no air. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket. "Oh shit guys, we're gonna be late."

Ray chuckled. "Don't worry, we can just say that we were showing you guys around. To English, Mikey!" He did a super hero pose and grabbed Mikey's hand, dragging him down the hallway, both of them laughing uncontrollably.

Frank tapped my shoulder and I turned around to face him, raising an eyebrow. "We should go now." I nodded, and followed him down the hallway to my favorite class- besides music-, art.


So, did you like it? Should I continue, or should I give up?

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