Chapter 9

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"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU NAKED AND MAKING OUT ON MY SPOT OF THE COUCH?" I scream, waving my hands around to justify how mad I was.

Mikey squeaks in fear and they quickly dress again, sitting as far as they can get from me, making me smirk. "Mikey, you know that's my spot!!!"

"I know! I'm sorry! I-"

"Wait." Ray interrupts. "You're only mad because we were on your spot?"

"And naked on it." I remind him. They both look at each other and blush. "So," I start. "When did this happen?"

"When Mikey came down the stairs." Ray answered. I laughed and told them to have fun in Mikey's room, and dragged the very awkward Frank downstairs.

When we got down to my room, I collapsed onto my bed, Frank coming to sit next to me. "How can you not be freaked out that you saw your brother, naked on the couch and making out with Ray?"

I cringed at the memory. "It's his life. But, he did scar me for life, so ill get him back later." He nods. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

He smiles. "Yeah, sure. What movie?"

"Nightmare Before Christmas?"

"Yay, that's my favorite movie!!!" I grab the movie off of my desk and put it into the DVD player. I walk over and sit next to Frank, probably a little too close for comfort.


When the credits moved up the screen, Frank was cuddled into my side, snoring softly. I smiled to myself, he was too cute when he slept. I'm not a stalker, just an admirer. I slowly brought him back to lay his head on the pillows, pulling up the covers over him. I slowly walked back upstairs, looking for Mikey so I could talk to him. I don't care if he's fucking Ray or vise versa right now, because I need his help.

"Mikey?" I yell, trying to figure out where he is.

"Living room!" He yells back. I walk into the living room to see Ray and Mikey(fully clothed, thank god!) cuddling on the couch, watching Saw. Some blood came up on screen and Mikey shrieked, hiding his head in Ray's neck. Ray smiled and hugged him tight, whispering comforts in his ear. I smiled and sat in my spot, which they (very smartly)steered clear of. I watched them for a while, just happy that my brother found someone(even if I did catch them when they were about to fuck).

"Mikey, I need your help." I finally say.

He looks up at me, a concerned look on his face. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Can I talk to you in the kitchen?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll be right back, Ray." He says, kissing Ray's cheek.

"Take your time." He replies.

We walk into the kitchen and I immediately sit down in my chair(I have claimed my things in this house, and my family know that). He sits across from me and stares at me, trying to get me to talk.

"I think I'm in love with Frank."


Hi :3 cliffhanger? Maybe. ALL OF THESE CONFUSING GRAMMAR WORDS IN MY HEAD! 300 reads? awesome, thanks guys :). this is my most recent book out of my three, and this is the one with the most reads, comments, and votes. 9 votes and 9 comments for chapter 10! I hope you enjoyed it.

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