Chapter 7

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When I woke up, I was still sleeping on Ray. I looked up and saw that he was looking at me, a small smile on his face. I blushed and looked away, cursing the heat on my face. He grins and gets up, walking into the kitchen, making me fall onto the couch. I pout a little, then follow him to the kitchen. I find a note on the counter that says:


Me and Gerard have gone to the park. We'll be back in a hour or so.

Check your phone!
Love, Gee"

I stare at the note for a moment, confused. I tell Ray that I will be right back and run upstairs to get my phone.

New message from: Geetard
1 attachment.
Hello Mikey, my dear brother. If this isn't evidence of you crush on Ray and vise versa, then I don't know what is.'

The picture was of Ray and I... On the couch... sleeping... together... WE WERE CUDDLING ON THE FUCKING COUCH?! My face heated up, and I was glad nobody was in the room to witness it.

"Mikey?" I hear Ray call from down the hall. "Are you okay? You've been up here for a while." He walks into the room, a concerned look on his face. He sees my probably insanely red face and quickly walks over. "What's wrong? What was on your phone?"

I quickly turn off my phone and throw it into a pile of dirty clothes. I'll get it later. "N-nothing!" I shriek.

He looks at me weirdly, but shrugs it off. "You wanna go get something to eat? You have nothing here."

"Yeah, sure. Where do you want to go?" I question. "I'll text Gerard and tell him where we're going." I hesitate. "If I can find it." He laughs, making me smile.

"You can choose where we go. I don't care." He says, smiling back at me. WAIT. Does this mean that we're gonna go on a date? Oh god, if we are, I'm gonna take forever to get ready. What if-

STOP. He never said you we're going on a date! I bet he doesn't even like you like that!

Oh shut up, brain.

"Mikey? Are you Okay? You kind of zoned out." Ray says, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I blink a little and look up. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Sorry, I just zoned out."

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"Can we go to Wendy's? I'm in the mood for their fries."

"Yeah. You change, and then when can go." I agree and he leaves to go to the living room. I quickly go through my closet, and when I say 'go through', I mean 'throw everything out until I find something that will impress Ray'.

I finally end up wearing my Favorite Misfits shirt, with a Pink(gay, I know, right?) studded belt, ripped black skinny jeans with red Vans. I attempt to tame the birds nest that I call hair with a straightener, not totally failing this time. I decided to rim my eyes with eyeliner, just to see if they make a difference. I wonder if Ray likes when I wear eyeliner...

Fuck it, dude! He's straight! Get the FUCK over it!

My brain loves me.
I finally get finished with getting ready and sigh, forcing myself into the living room to see what Ray thinks.

What happened next is something I didn't expect.


HI!!! I HAD A LOT OF COFFEE!! I WILL CONTINUE FOR 7 VOTES AND 7 COMMENTS! I hope you enjoyed it ^-^ and I hope the caps wasn't too much but I JUST LOVE COFFEE SO MUCH!!! <3

BY THE WAY: Does anyone here like Danisnotonfire and/or AmazingPhil? Because I have a plan for a Phan oneshot and I want to know if I should post it on Wattpad or not.

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