Chapter 14

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We just got back to Gerard and Mikey's house from the hospital and my mom said(after alot of pleading) that I can stay for the night. We were going to plan the trap for Ashley while I was here, so I'm glad my mom let me. We missed a lot of school so far, I think we're planning to go tomorrow.

"So," Gerard said, setting down Coles on the table and sitting next to me. I grabbed a coke and sat in his lap.

"Well, she wants Gerard, we'll give her Gerard." I said with a smirk on my face. I took everyone's confused look as a sign to continue. "We get her to confess to Gerard, and then we have police nearby. Okay?" Everyone nods, except Gerard. "... Gerard?"

"I don't want to. She's horrible!" He pulls his arms tightly around my waist, like I was a teddy bear. "I hate her Frankie don't make me go!"

I sighed and hugged him. "Don't worry, Gee, it'll work out, I promise."

I really hope I can keep that promise. For Gerard.


Hello :3 this is so so SO short but I wanted you guys to give me an opinion on this new idea that I have. It's an original pairing, and based off of these guys at me school and I just want to hug them to death and scream at them to get married. ANYWAYS HERE'S A SNEEK PEEK TO "Evlin":

"Hey, dude, look, I'm a mermaid!" Collin said, waving his feet in the air.

"Mermaids only have on fin, Collin. I said, laughing slightly. We had our shoes off and our socks half way on, Making the girl sitting behind us glance at us disgustingly. We just laugh it off, though. We always do.

Really small sneak peek xD. Anyways, let me know what you think about the sneak peek and the chapter, I hope you enjoyed!

~Toxic Damage

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