Chapter 13

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"Gerard...?" I hear. I think it's Mikey. "Gerard..."

"Five more minutes..." I mumble, shifting a little in my seat. Then my memory comes back. Frank. Hospital. Possible death. I shot up out if my seat and looked around. I was in a chair outside Frank's room if I'm correct. "Frank! Oh god, Frank... I-is... Is he dead?" My voice cracked at the word dead and I was close to tears.

He smiled softly at me. "Why don't you go check? I'll be with Ray." He walked away and I stared at the door to his room, which was closed. I gulped and slowly got up. I opened the door and walked in to see Frank sitting on the hospital bed, beaming at me. "FRANKIE!!!" I ran up to him and hugged him tight, probably squeezing some air out of his lungs, but I don't care. He's alive! He's alive and kicking and he's mine!

"Hey Gee," he coughs. "Do ya think that you could lighten your grip so I can breathe? It's vital for me to live."

I giggled and let go. "Heh, sorry." He scooted over on the bed and pat the space next to him, gesturing for me to sit down. I sat down next to him and pulled him into a softer hug. He smiled and pecked my cheek, snuggling into my chest. "I thought you left me..." I whisper into his hair.

He yawned. "I would never leave you, Gee-bear." I giggled. He called me Gee-bear. That might possibly be the cutest thing I ever heard.

"Do you know when you're getting out?" I ask, my head tilting subconsciously.

"In the next few days... So you think Ashley did this?"

I nodded. "I know that she did."

"So, do you have a plan to get her back yet?"

I shook my head. "We were gonna plan it when you got out of here."

"Oh, okay."

"I'm really glad you're okay." I said, pecking his cheek

"I'm glad you're okay too. Mikey told me that you didn't do much while I was out." I'm going to kill Mikey. Soon. But of course I would have to go through Ray, and then if I do kill him I'll get killed a few times by Ray, me and Mikey's mom, our dad, our grandmother... Yeah. Never mind.

Ray and Mikey walk in after a couple minutes of Frankie and I staring at each other, probably thinking it was safe now. "Did you ask Frank when he was getting out?"

"In a few days, but you should probably clarify with the doctor."

Frank gasps in mock-hurt. "You don't trust me, Gee-bear?" He breaks the act by smiling while Mikey and Ray laugh at the nick name. I hit each of them on the head, but I'm betting only Mikey felt it, Ray has a hair helmet.

"It's not funny, shut up."

Mikey giggles and whispers "Gee-bear," sending them back into a fit of giggles.

I punched him playfully in the arm, earning a laugh from Mikey. "You can't punch to save your life."

vvvv READ THIS vvvv


OH MY GEESUS DON'T HURT ME!!! If I remembered where I left you guys at I would have updated earlier!!! Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!!!

ANYWAYS, summary: Frank's better, Rikey and Frerard have been formed, Ashley is still out there and seeking revenge. I could totally make this into two books. What do you think? Do you want me to make a second book or just finish this off? If I make a second book this will have about three more chapters(or two) but if I don't make a second book it might have four more chapters with an epilogue. Comment and tell me what you think! I love comments I would marry them if I could. ALSO I have a new book full of Oneshots and I take requests! So check that out pls bbys :3 I'm so weird. I hope you enjoyed! Bye :3

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