Chapter 12

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When we heard a gunshot and Gerard's scream, Mikey and I quickly raced down the stairs, and Mikey almost fainted at the sight. Frank was bleeding, with a gunshot wound very close to his heart, if not dead on. Gerard was holding him, crying into Frank's hair. I quickly called the ambulance, and Frank was rushed to the hospital two minutes later. Gerard wouldn't leave his side, so the paramedics let him ride with them. Mikey and I were silent during the drive to the hospital, probably both thinking the same thing: Ashley did this in some way, shape, or form.


When we got to the hospital, Frank was in surgery to get the bullet out, and Gerard was crying in the waiting room. Mikey raced over to his brother and held him close, whispering into his ear and stroking his hair. I went over and sat next to them, trying not to cry. Frank has been my best friend since we were kids, and I'm not saying that nobody ever hated him, but I never thought that Ashley would be the one to shoot him.


It's been two days, and Frank fell into a coma yesterday. The bullet apparently hit an important artery in his chest. Gerard hasn't left his side since it was announced by the doctor. Mikey and I have taken turns making sure he hasn't died and that he eats. The only way that we can convince him to eat is that 'Frank will be depressed if he wakes up and you're dead.' Which barely worked.

"Hey, Ray?" Mikey says as he walks out of Frank's room.

"Yeah, Mikey?" I ask.

He looked into Franks room to make sure Gerard wasn't listening. "Do you think Frank is going to be okay? What if he isn't? What if he dies? Gerard will be broken, even more than he is now! Oh my god Ray, what of he commits suicide because Frank died? What if-"

I cut him off with a kiss and pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry Mikey, Frank is a fighter and he would never leave Gerard. Everything will be okay."


I sat in the chair next to Frank's bed, stroking his palm as I listen to Mikey and Ray speak quietly outside. There's silence for a moment and I know that they're hugging.

"You know, Frankie. They said that you could possibly hear me. I promise I won't leave you. I wish you would wake up soon. I miss you a lot. I know we haven't known each other long but still." I pause for a moment, and giggle. "My argumentative skills have never been good. I hope you feel better soon, and until then I'll never leave your side. Ray, Mikey and I suspect that Ashley had something to do with this, and I know you would too if you were awake. Mikey said that they would go and find her as soon as they made sure I wouldn't do anything stupid." I laughed a little. "But I always do stupid things. I should have stopped the bullet, you know. I could have. I wish I was on this bed instead of you. But I can't change that so I'm going to focus on being the best boyfriend ever when you wake up. I only wish that you would soon." By the time I stopped talking, I realized that I had tears rolling down my cheek. I sighed and kissed his forehead, slipping back into sleep.

When I woke up, there was doctors and nurses surrounding Frank's bed, a 'clear' being shouted every once and awhile. "Frank?!" I shriek, jumping up out of my chair. "Frank!!!" I yell, trying to get to him. A nurse grabbed my arms and held me back. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Frank's limp body on the hospital bed.


Heyo, Hola, Ciao, long time no see! I was supposed to update this yesterday but it was yesterday about six hours ago so I'm good right? Schools starting next week and I'm not sure if that will make my updates slower or faster(depends on what I can get away with in class). This was shorter than I would have liked, but I got my point across! I hope you enjoyed! :3 Oh yeah, I also have 1.1K reads! Thank you everyone! ^-^(I just realized that this book has a weird beginning)

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