Chapter 6

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Gerard and I stayed and whispered while watching the two obvious lovebirds on the couch for a while, but then I got video-game-withdrawal, so we had to go back to his room. Which is why I now sit here, beating Gerard's ass at Halo.

I would laugh every time that Gerard would lose, just because he make this incredibly adorable pouting face, which makes me want to win even more, just so I can see him pout.

We went through a couple games in the next few hours, until we settled on me play minecraft and Gerard, lying on the his be pouting because he hasn't won any of the games that we played. Not even once. I do play every hour of the day that I'm not in he'll or playing Pansy, though. I had to hug him a couple times to try and stop him from throwing the Xbox out the window. Which was undeniably sexy, by the way. He was really sexy when he was angry, but I wasn't gonna push that. It was already really hard to calm him down. I decided to make a death hall for zombies, because that was my favorite thing to do. Arrows shot from blocks when you passed and everything. I also made an underground jail for anything that passes the Death Hall. I think I'll name it 'school'. Accurate, right? I glanced at Gerard and saw that he had grabbed his sketchbook and started drawing.

I decided to try and see if he was really a good artist, since I've never seen his drawings. There weren't even any on his wall! I guess that maybe he just doesn't like them. I paused the game to keep zombies from eating me and crawled over to Gerard's bed, peeking my head over so that just the top of my head to the tip of my nose showed.i giggled at his face, it was full of concentration, and guess what? It was sexy. He looked up at slammed his book shut, smiling nervously at me. I looked at him weird, but brushed it off. "Whatcha drawin'?" I ask, putting on my puppy eyes that could make you kill anyone, just because you can't say no to them.

He laughed nervously when he saw my puppy eyes and looked down. "Just a drawing."

"Can I see?" Super puppy eyes: Activate.

He looks up again and groans. "Fine. But you OWE me, Frankie."

"Of course I do, Gee." I smile sweetly. My smile was not a smile that belonged on someone who was giving a fudge pop a blowjob not even 24 hours ago to seduce someone. But oh well.

He opened it back up to the page he was on and slid it over to me.

What I saw made me gasp.


I tried to nonchalantly turn the pages to a different page than what I was drawing: Frankie. I decided to let him see my zombie drawing and slid it over to him, wincing when he gasped.

"I'm sorry, it's terrible. I should really s-"

He put his hand over my mouth, a disbelieving look in his eyes. "Gerard, this is AMAZING! Where did you learn this?"

I smile slightly at the memory. "My grandma. She said I had a talent. She taught me how to sing, dance, and draw."

"Can I meet her sometime? She sound like an incredible woman." He smiled innocently, like genuine innocence.

My face dropped at his words. "Um, well you might meet her when you're dead, but yeah, she was an incredible woman." I say, on the verge of tears. He 'aww's and gets on the bed. He pulls me close, embracing me in a hug. I smile into his neck and hug him back, holding onto the moment for as long as possible. He pulled away after a moment and we decided to see if Mikey was still asleep. We walked into the living room to see not only that Mikey was still asleep, but Ray was also asleep, with his head resting on Mikey's. I heard Frank let out a soft 'aww' from behind me and I smiled softly. I took out my phone and got closer, taking a few pictures. "Could this be used as blackmail?" Frank giggles, walking up next to me.

"No, but I'll use it to get them together."


Hi :3 Enjoy? So, I'm gonna do 6 comments this time, and 6 votes to make it even. I listened to All Time Low during MOST of this chapter{that was a random fact... o.o}. I hope you liked it. I love you all!{not in the sexual way}

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