Chapter 8

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When Mikey walked into the living room after getting ready, I wanted to tackle him and ravish him right there on the floor. The eyeliner made him look even sexier(if possible)! In a single act of not thinking, I strode over to him and pulled him close, and whispered in his ear "You look sexy." He blushed and looks into my eyes as I stare into his. He looks like he's having an internal battle with himself. Soon he just shakes his head and crashes his lips onto mine. I could barely think with his lips on mine.

3RD PERSONP.O.V.(because neither Ray or Mikey can think right now.)

As Ray moved slightly closer to Mikey, Mikey licks Ray's bottom lip, demanding entrance. Ray slowly opens his mouth and their tongues start to fight for dominance, to which Ray wins. He explores Mikey's mouth as they stand in the middle of the living room, holding each other close. They slowly move towards the sofa, with Ray falling into his back and Mikey on top of him. Mikey slowly pulls up Ray's shirt, showing his tanned abdomen. Mikey broke the kiss, only to literally rip off Ray's shirt, and throw it across the room. Soon after, Mikey's shirt joins Ray's torn shirt in the corner.

Mikey moans deeply into Ray's mouth, slightly grinding onto his package. Ray moans and grinds along with him, both in perfect sync. They slowly stripped off each other's pants, leaving them in just their boxers.

Ray slowly moved his hand down Mikey's spine to the small of his back, running gently. Mikey moaned again, but a little louder. Something poked into Ray's thigh and he smiled, happy that he could make Mikey this aroused.

Ray slowly moved his hands to Mikey's ass, squeezing and rubbing it for a reaction from Mikey. He moaned again, accompanied by Ray's.

Mikey runs his hands all over Ray's toned arms and chest, loving the feeling of skin on skin contact.

Ray moaned, squeezing Mikey's ass a little rougher, earning a throaty moan from the latter. He slid one hand into Mikey's boxers, now feeling his bare ass. He slides his other hand over into Mikey's boxers too, slowly pushing the boxers down.

GERARD P.O.V.(torture }:))

Me and Frankie swung(if it isn't a word, it is now.) at the park until he decided that his little legs couldn't handle it anymore. That's why I'm currently carrying Frank down the street piggy-back style. He's slowly drifting out of consciousness. I smile slightly, thinking about how damn CUTE he is. Part of his hair flopping over one eye, his height making him look like a little lost four year old, his deep, big hazel eyes making it look like he has puppy eyes all the time. I just want to take him home with me!- which I'm technically doing right now. My mom would love him, nobody could hate him. My dad would love him too! He was surprisingly pansexual. So I can't wait until my parents meet him. If I ever get the pleasure to be his boyfriend, I might die of happiness.

After about five minutes, Frank was fully asleep on my back and I could see my house down the road.

I slowly walked down the road to my house, walking up to the door and setting Frank on the bench next to the door.

"Frankie..." I whisper, lightly shaking him. "Frankie, wake up." He mumbles something and slowly opens his eyes, smiling when he sees me.

After a minute of him waking up, I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. I walked into the house, towards the living room, with Frankie in tow. What I saw scarred me for life.


And Ray...



"WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream.


RIKEY, MOTHER FUCKERS!!! I hope you enjoyed the sexiness that Is; Ray Toro and Mikey Way. 8 votes and 8 comments to continue! I've started on my Phan oneshot but I'm lazy so it'll be a while. I'm amazed at how fast I ge these chapters up because I'm so lazy. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed! I don't say it enough but I love you all. Bye! ^-^

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