Chapter 16

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"Ashley Darleen Conway, you are sentenced to 15 years in prison for attempted manslaughter." The judge annouced, slamming the gavel against his stand. Gerard smiled and hugged Frank tight, and I did the same to Ray.

We left the courthouse with smiles on our faces. "That worked out better than expected." Frank says, his arms wrapped around Gerard's waist. I could tell that Gerard was content, since he only nodded and snuggled into his boyfriend.

"I'm just glad it's over." Ray says, flashing a smile a me. I smile back, kissing his cheek.


"Let me get the mail, you guys go inside." I say as they stop, trying to wait for me. They nod and go inside, leaving me by the mailbox. I open the mailbox and take out the wad of mail, going through it while walking to the house.

Bill, bill, a letter from grandma that I hope contains money, bill, unmarked letter, bill-

Wait... Unmarked letter?

"Um... Guys?" I say, walking into the kitchen where everyone was. "There was an unmarked letter in the mailbox..." They looked up, a confused look on all their faces. I go to the table and everyone huddles around me.

I slowly put the ret of the mail aside, and hold the pink, vanilla scented envelope tightly in my hands. I open it and pull out a pink vanilla scented paper. I opened it slowly and read the two words out loud, ignoring the red lipstick kiss at the bottom of the page. I said the words with hesitance, fear barely showing in my voice.

"I'm back."



YAY END OF THIS BOOK!!! I'm gonna start the second book sometime soon, I don't know when I'm gonna do it, but meh. Yeah, thanks to everyone who has stuck with me and commented, the second book will me up sooner or later :3

~Toxic Damage

UPDATE: link for sequel-

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