Chapter 10

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If I had a drink, I would have done a spit take, but I choked on air instead. I held him by the shoulders and shook him. "What did you do with Gerard?!" I scream in his face. He winces and shrugs off my hands. I sigh. "Gerard, I'm sorry. But you guys just met. And you know that it's unusual for you to be in love, though."

He nods. "I know. But I feel like I've known him forever. I can't find one flaw in him and he's just... Perfect. I know i haven't known him that long but PLEASE HELP ME!"

I sigh. "Just ask him out, see how it goes from there. Or do what Ray did and just kinda like ravish him as soon as he walks in the living room. No, never mind, don't do that, rape is illegal. Um, what's another word? Whatever. Just make out with him as soon as he walks in the room. Whatever works for you." As if on cue, Frank walks in, looking sleepy. "I'll leave you to... Wake him up some more." I send him a wink and he flips me off as I walk out of the room.


I wake up to an empty bed. I expected it, but I still wanted Gerard next to me. I walked up the stairs to the kitchen, where I heard voices. I saw blurs, but I'm too tired to rub away the sleep. I hear Mikey mumble something to Gerard, and leave the room. Why did he leave? I've learned very fast that Mikey is the only one that can cook, despite him sticking forks in toasters.

"H-hey Frankie" Gerard's heavenly voice flows through the air and cuts me out of my slight dream-state.

"Hey Gee. What time is it?" I ask.

"About ten thirty. You slept for about seven or eight hours." He frowns. "Frank, I actually wanted to ask you something." Oh. My. God. Is he gonna ask me out? Please tell me he's gonna ask me out. "Frankie, will-" the doorbell interrupts him, and I groan internally. He walks to the front door, and I follow him. He opens the door and his eyes widen. I turn to look at who it is, and my jaw drops. Of course the last person I want to see is just 'casually strolling by' And decides to knock at the wrong time.

"What do you want?" Gerard says, and none too friendly either.

"I want you, Gee-bear! Can I come in?"

He sends me an apologetic look, and steps to the side. Ashley smirks at me, and strides into the living room, where Ray and Mikey are watching... MEGASHARK VERSUS THE GIANT OCTOPUS!!! FUCK YES! I jump onto the couch next to them, leaving Gerard's spot open next to me. Ashley sits on the love seat and pats the space next to her. Gerard sends me another apologetic look and sits next to her. I send Ashley a deadly glare. If only looks could kill...

"So, Gee-bear. I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to come to my place with me." She winks at him. His face turns green, but I don't think she notices. She puts her hand on his thigh and slowly slides it up towards his package. When she gets about an inch away from his package, he quickly stands up.

"Excuse me," he says in a choked voice, and runs from the room, probably to throw up in the bathroom.
I would.

We sat there for a few minutes in an awkward silence. I looked over to see Ray and Mikey making out, so I scooted into Gee's spot so that I'm not touching them. Ashley must have seen it too because she made a gagging noise. "You FAGS!" She shrieks, probably higher than necessary. She probably expected something to start, but they just flipped her off and left the room, probably to Mikey's room from privacy reasons and also there's no annoying Gerard-obsessed girls in Mikey's room.

"Okay, listen here, you little shit. " she whispers harshly, shooting daggers at me. "Gerard is mine. If you interfere with that, there WILL be consequences. Got it?" I nodded feebly, actually scared of what she would do. She smiles evilly and sits back. By the time Gerard is back in the room, there's this kind of eerie silence, like a fog. He looks at us questioningly, but just shrugs.

"Frankie," Gerard whines. "You're in my SPOT." The last part made me wince and I quickly scooted over to the other end of the couch so that I wouldn't get daggers from Ashley. "Frankie," Gerard whines again. You're too far away." I sigh and scoot closer. As soon as I'm in arms reach, he pulls me close and cuddles into me.

"Gerard..." I speak slowly. "How much have you drank?"

"None!" He says, and then giggles like a little kid that just got told a secret.

I sigh. "Gerard, you should show Ashley to the door, so she can go home and sleep."

"Okay, Frankies! But you're coming too!" He pulls be up and stages me to the door with Ashley following and shooting daggers at the back of my head the entire time. When we get to the door, Ashley hugs Gerard and glares at me. Again. She says goodbye to him and begins to walk out the door, but then the stupidest thing ever comes out of Gerard'a druken mouth. "Ash, you forgot to hug Frankie-kins goodbye!" Yeah, he's pissed off his ass.

She smirks. "Of course. I'm sorry, Gee-bear." She comes up to me and squeezes me to the point of passing out and harshly whispers in my ear: "Stay away from my Gerard." Before leaving the house with a triumphant smirk on her face.


DOUBLE DIGITS, BABY! I'm pretty sure that's from Austin Powers. I'M ONLY UPDATING THIS BECAUSE D_Starr TOLD ME TO UPDATE WITHOUT GETTING 9 VOTES & 9 COMMENTS SO THANK HER! Now I'm serious; 10 votes, 10 comments. I hope you enjoyed it!(Ashley's a bitch. Even I hate her, and I'm writing this story! Oh well, every story needs a bitch or two!)

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