Chapter 11

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Ever since the day that Ashley came over, I've been getting texts on what I can and can't do, unless I want to die. I think Gerard is getting suspicious. I won't even hug him anymore. But it's not my choice. I try to hug him as much as possible when I know I'm safe, but that's it. He never finished the question from that morning. I have I feeling that it will never happen.

I get up out of bed, say goodbye to mom(after a hug, of course.) and start walking to Ray's house. My hair looks like shit, I have bags under my eyes, and my clothes are wrinkled. I probably look like a Hobo(with awesome music taste). I get to Ray's house and knock on the door, not feeling up for Ray and I's usual morning conversations.

Ray didn't seem to notice, because Mikey was there. He said that Gerard was sick today. I would go visit him, to see if he was better. But that stupid bitch knows everything! On the way to school I got another text. From Ashley. Is it sad that she's the only person who texts me? Probably.

It says:

'Hello, my dear Frankie. Stop talking 2 Gerard. He's mine. Unless you want 2 b dead/paralyzed, STAT AWAY!


Well isn't my life swell. Suddenly Mikey rips my phone out of my hands. "HEY!" I scream, trying to get it back. Damn my short limbs. He holds me back, along with my seatbelt, and reads the message, his eyes getting wider the longer he reads it. He scans over it again, a shocked look on his face.

"How long has this been happening? Is this why you've been... Metaphorically detached from Gerard?" He asks, concern clear on his face.

I sigh and bow my head. "Yes."

"WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" He screamed, making Ray swerve the car. "Sorry babe!" He says, blushing, and pecks Ray's cheek.

"I'm sorry, she told me not to or-"

"Or you would die." He finishes.

I blush. "Yeah."

"You should go to the police with this, Frank! This is serious!"

"NO!" I shriek, snatching my phone from him. "Let me do what I want."


After school, I walked out to see Ashley waiting for me. She was probably gonna confront me about Mikey. I told you she knows everything! I walk over to her and stare at my feet, waiting for her to talk.

"You know," she starts. "Your phone has a tracker on it, and a microphone, so I can hear your conversations."

I just stare at her, wide eyed. "How the fuck did you do that? I always have my phone with me."

"I have my ways. Now run along before your fellow fag friends before they try and find you." She smirks and walks away, leaving me to find Rya and Mikey, if they haven't left yet.

I found them making out on the hood of Ray's car, but it looked like they were more like eating each other. Probably because there was nobody in eye sight. I snuck up behind Ray and waited, to see if he notices. He doesn't, so I scream, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" An they spring away from each other, making me laugh. "Your faces!" I say, not being able to stop laughing. Ray punches me in the arm, probably leaving a bruise.

"Don't do that! I thought you were a jock!"

I giggle. "Sorry, dude."

"Where were you anyways?" Mikey says.

"Just had to meet someone." I lie.

"But everyone hates you." Ray says with a smile on his face.

I fake a laugh. "Ha ha, very funny. Lets go." I get into the car, purposefully slamming the door. Mikey and Ray get in the front, and Ray locks the doors. He drives to Mikey's house. And he offers us coffee(which I never turn down).

When we get in, Ray and Mikey disappear to wherever they usually go. And since Ray is my ride home, I just go into the kitchen to make coffee. When I get to the kitchen. Gerard is there. Of course he's there! It's his house! I try not to look at him and make my coffee, sighing as I drink the liquid heaven.

After five minutes of awkward silence and standing in the corner, he gets up and stands in front of me, Cornering me. "Why are you avoiding me?" He asks, his face filled with hurt.

"I-I'm not" I stutter.

"Yes, you are. Did I do something wrong?"


"Then why are you avoiding me?"

I sigh. "I'm talking to you aren't I?"

"Yeah." He steps closer. I would have stepped back, but there's a wall in the way. "Frankie?"

I gulp. "Yes?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"

I know this is a bad idea, but I can't resist him with those eyes. "Yes!" I shriek, hugging him tight. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was a gunshot, and Gerard's scream.


Alright, you guys win. I'll update when I can. But I still want votes and comments, please? I also am almost done with my Phan oneshot(finally). I will make a book thingy full of oneshots, if you want to request some. Also, sorry, but Ashley isn't gonna die in any of the ways that you guys suggested, but the suggestions were tempting! I hope you enjoyed!

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