Chapter 3

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Ray P.O.V.

I was really nervous all through the next two classes. I know Gerard was kidding, but he was still threatening. He was like a vampire. When the bell rang for music, I had never been so happy. I dragged Gerard through the halls as fast as possible, eager to see Mikey again. Frank and Mikey were already there, but I was expecting it since Frank is already obsessed with Gerard. He probably did the same thing I did and dragged Mikey to music. The thought made me laugh a little, earning a confused look from Gerard. But he would laugh too if he imagined Frank's tiny body dragging Mikey's lanky one through the halls. We just stood and talked while we were waiting for the teacher to come and unlock the door. When he finally came and let everyone in, we quickly escorted Gerard and Mikey to the back to spare them an embarrassing introduction to the class.

By the end of the class, we all knew each others talents. Mikey was a god on the bass, I was okay on guitar, Frank was awesome on guitar as always, and Gerard had a singing voice that clearly made Frank almost faint. We decided to go to Gerard and Mikey's place to hang out since their parents won't be home until 5 or 6. We walked out of the school, me and Frank very close to celebrating not getting punched for once, when a wave of black and red tackled Gerard to the ground with a squeal that sounded like his name. Mikey went over an helped them up, Gerard going wide eyed when he saw who tackled him. "Ashley???" He shrieked, backing up a little.


"Didn't 'cha miss me, babe?" She says, planting a kiss on his lips. I fought back my lunch that wanted to make a reappearance. Who the fuck is this girl and why did she kiss MY Gerard? Okay, he's not mine yet, but he will be. She was kinda pretty, with her black hair in pigtails, a red tartan skirt, combat boots, a white collared shirt with a black vest and tie, she looked exactly like Gerard's 'type', which almost made me scream/cry uncontrollably. A little dramatic, I know, but that's just me.

"W-what are you doing here, A-Ashley?" He stutters, looking very shocked.

"I came to visit you, silly!" She says, tapping his nose. Mikey makes a gagging noise, earning a glare from Ashley and an amused look from Ray and I. Gerard looks paralyzed to the spot, staring at Ashley.

Mikey seems to notice that Gerard doesn't plan to talk anytime soon, and steps in. "Ashley. I know that you guys dated but he is clearly over you, and I know for a fact that he wants someone else, not you. And if you haven't noticed, he's gay. You know, a homosexual? Meaning he DOES NOT like what you have going on." He gestures to her whole body, making Ray laugh, earning a glare very similar to the one that she gave Mikey.

"Who are you fags, exactly?" She says, glaring at Ray and I while I try to hide behind his 'fro.

"We are not 'fags'" Ray spits out, using airs quotes. "We are simply homosexuals that would love it if you would get the fuck out." She snorts, kisses Gerard again and stomps away, her hands clenched into fists.

"I will get revenge, you fags!" She yells over her shoulder, making me giggle slightly.

"Revenge on what? Us being gay?" I ask, still giggling a little. We start walking to Gerard and Mikey's house again, soon forgetting about Ashley. We talked about everything from Glen Danzig to which comics were better; Watchmen or Batman(WATCHMEN FTW!!!), with a little bit of flirting between me and Gerard in between.

When we got to the Way's house, Gerard showed me and Ray to the kitchen, where we raided the drawers and refrigerator. I found one fudge pop in the freezer and squealed, quickly slamming the freezer door and unwrapping it. I stared at it for a minute, a not-so-clean plan popping into my head. I walked into the living room where Gerard and Mikey were and sat across from Gerard, crossing my legs. I slowing started sucking on the fudge pop, making sure Gerard was watching. [A/N: I'm gonna fail!!! >.


What. The fuck. Is he. DOING?!?! God, if only he knew what he was doing to me right now. His eyes were on the tv, I think, I'm not sure because his hair is covering his eyes. He would stop giving the fucking fudge stick a blow job! He keeps licking and sucking it until there is nothing left. He slowly licked the leftover fudge off of his fingers, then got up to throw the stick away. I got up to take care of a 'certain problem'.


I will never look a a fudge stick the same way again o.o Anyways, I'M SO SORRY I MADE YOU WAIT!!! God loves throwing drama at me >.


Also, I'm on twitter a lot more than wattpad so you can use twitter to remind me to update, it'll probably make chapters be up faster! Longest Author's note ever and shortest chapter ever in this story. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

{P.S. I was up until 2 in the morning writing this for you fuckers(no offense, this is just how I talk ^-^). Your welcome.}

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