Chapter 5

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{I have my excuse for lateness in my A/N at the bottom!!! Enjoy!}

MIKEY P.O.V.(sorry, you won't be getting any frerard action from the sleep over.)

When I woke up, I forgot where I was. Which is weird since it was MY room. I looked over to see Ray on the floor. I wish he would have slept in my bed with me... No, if he did, we wouldn't have slept... Oh well. I slowly got out of bed, stepping over Ray. I tried not to wake him up, since it would be awkward if he woke up to me just in my boxers, standing over him. I walk out of the room, closing the door silently behind me. I walk to the kitchen and find Frank there, making coffee. "Hey Frank, how long have you been awake?"

He looks up and smiles slightly. "Not long. You want some coffee?"

"Of course! A Way never turns down a coffee."

"Okay, black?"

"Yeah, thanks." He grabs a cup and fills it, handing it to me. I huddle it close to my chest, inhaling the bittersweet scent.

"So, how was your night with Ray?" He asks, a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confusion clear in my voice.

"Well, Ray in totally and utterly in love with you. He didn't tell you?" He says, the stupid smirk still on his face.

I stare at him for a second, trying to decide of he's lying or not. "You're lying. Nobody had liked me since kindergarten, and you know how kindergartners are."

He scoffs. "Whatever, don't believe me. But I'm gonna go back to seducing your brother while he's half asleep. Have fun!" He blows a kiss and runs back upstairs. I visibly cringe. I didn't need that mental image.


A half a hour later, Ray came down. He smiled at me and sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen. I smile back and turn back to making my fifth coffee. "Do you want some coffee?" I ask him after getting my cup full.

He yawns, then nods. "Yeah, thanks." I hand him his coffee, along with sugar and milk, as requested. While he drinks his cup, I probably drink five more, making me as hyper as a rabbit on steroids. I start jumping around the kitchen and singing every Anthrax, Iron Maiden, and Misfits song that I can think of, with Ray joining in with the guitar solos. By the time we calmed down, we couldn't stop laughing. We migrated to the living room after out laughing fit and started to watch... Something called Ghost Adventures.

Half way through the second show, I cuddled into Ray's side, getting tired again. His breath hitched, but he didn't do anything to push me away. My breathing slowed, and I went into a dreamless sleep.


I was just getting into the second Ghost Adventures when I felt Mikey bury into my side. I sucked in a breath and tried to focus on the show. When his breathing slowed, I put my arm around him and looked down to see I sight that melted my heart. He looked like a little kid, with his face halfway into my armpit and his hands fisting my shirt. I bit my lip to keep from letting out an 'aww' but I heard it from the doorway anyways. I looked up to see Gerard with a cup of coffee(go figure) being held close to his chest with a soft smile on his face. Frank appeared behind him(another go figure) and slapped his hand over his mouth, trying to suppress his giggles. I put a finger up to my lips to try and tell them to shut up without having to speak, but they just sat down. Frank looked like he achieved something. I probably didn't want to know.


Hi :3 was this late? I think it was. Well, Wattpad decided to delete the last part of it so I had to rewrite it. Sorry! So, since it was so easy to get 2 votes and four comments, I'm gonna go with 6 votes and 7 comments this time(just to be an ass). I hope you liked it! ALSO: when you comment, I would like to know what you think, what's your favorite part, all that jazz. It makes me feel good. ^-^ {ALSO(again): all 7 comments must be from different people. I like a variety of awesome people :3}

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