Chapter 2

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When we got to art, the teacher- Mrs. Rodriguez- was fine with us being late, since she's pretty laid back. She let us sit in the back, which is always good until the jocks try to trip you on your way back. Gerard seemed to be handling it, avoiding every single foot-which was very impressive, if you knew how many feet were out- while I tripped and stumbled like the klutz that I am. When I finally got to the back, I face-planted into the table, making the whole class laugh except Gerard, who looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. I smiled weakly and sat down, immediately putting my head down. Mrs. Rodriguez explained that we had to draw a detailed death scene-well, a detailed murder scene- with a villain and victim. Fuck, I could've sworn this WASN'T advanced. Or maybe I'm just stupid. Probably the latter. I started to stare into space, deciding to do it when I get home, because I could probably get my mom to do half of it if I use my puppy dog eyes. It was really easy, actually. usually if I used my puppy dog eyes I could get anyone to do anything. Maybe I could get people to murder for me. I smirked evilly at the thought, freaking out a girl that was in my staring path. I giggled slightly- yes, I'm definitely gay- and continued daydreaming about killing people with puppy dog eyes.


I thought the assignment sounded pretty easy, but apparently Frank didn't by the way he was staring into space. I feel bad for the girl that he smirked at, I don't even think he was trying to smirk at her. He might have scarred her for life, though. I decided to start drawing after I got a concept in my mind. I drew a boy in all black, unconscious in a pool of his own blood, while ghosts and demons clawed at him, trying to tear him to pieces. After I drew most of it, I noticed the boy was Frank(A/N: Just like any other frerard fanfiction with art class, I know). It was kinda depressing- my best work. I filled in the details and colored in the blood, making the ruby red the only color besides black and white. I heard a sharp gasp and looked over to see Frank and the teacher- Mrs. Rodrigo? Something like that- staring at my paper. I'm surprised the bell hasn't rang yet, since I get caught up in my drawings, but whatever. I cleared my throat hoping to get their attention. Their heads snapped up, and the teacher's mouth broke into a shit eating-or maybe people eating- grin. "Gerard! This is amazing! The detail is the best I've seen in a while!" She practically screeched in a usually perky voice. I winced, but smiled slightly and nodded. She walked back to her desk, still smiling like a mental patient. She's nice, but WAY to perky. Haha, Way. I bit my lip to keep from smiling at my own joke. It's not even that funny. That's my sense of humor for you. The bell rang, very loud and obnoxious, I might add, and everybody quickly left. I put the rest of my stuff away and followed Frank out of the classroom to our next lesson, him talking about my drawing the whole way there. I didn't have the heart to tell him to shut up, his eyes were so bright and big, I couldn't do anything. So I was pretty much a love-sick teenager. Which will probably be true in the next week or so, knowing my habits. Damn hormones. Damn tattoos. Damn piercings. Damn FRANK. Okay maybe not damn, but fuck. Ha, butt fuck. I'm so fucking immature. I look up and see that we were in the classroom already, I didn't even notice walking in. I'm surprised nobody tripped me.

The next couple classes passed in a flash, and it was soon lunch. I was a little nervous, I don't eat much. I mean, if you were fat like me, then of course you wouldn't eat. The bell rang and I sighed, following Frank through the hallways to the cafeteria. He lead me to a table in a back corner. Mikey and the really perky guy with a 'fro- Ray?- were already there, in a deep argument about comic books. Well, looks like Mikey found a nerd friend.i smiled slightly and sat next to Frank, across from Mikey and Ray. A couple minutes passed with mindless chatter. Ray looks up towards the doors, and shrieks, making me- and probably the whole cafeteria- wince. He got up and ran towards the doors, practically tackling a strawberry blonde at the door. When Ray let go, they talked excitedly for a moment and then Ray dragged him to the table. I glanced at Mikey from the corner of my eye, and saw that he was steaming with jealously. I looked back to Ray an the blonde, who looked really surprised. "Guys, this is Bob. Frank, remember I told you he was moving here!" He jumped up and down, looking like a frog on crack. Frank giggled and nodded, holding his hand out towards Bob. "I'm Frank, as Ray just said. This is Gerard," he pointed to me. "And that is Mikey." He said, pointing the the pouting pile of my brother across the table. "Are you his boyfriend?" I ask, knowing Mikey is listening. Bob was the first to reply, very quickly. "No, we aren't. But I happen to know a lot about him and that he has an obsession right now. Just. Like. Frank." He smirks at Frank, making Frank's jaw drop. I laughed, but gasped and cover my mouth. Mikey stared at me in surprise, his eyes as big as dinner plates. He knows I haven't done that in a while. I shrug and stick my tongue out at him. He scoffs, and does the same. "You two are so immature." Ray says, laughing. Mikey smiles and blushes, making me smirk slightly. I didn't want to leave because I knew I would have to leave Frank. I think the school hates me already.

The bell rang, thankfully before somebody noticed that I didn't eat anything. I walked out with Ray, following him to... Math, I think? I don't care. He stops suddenly and pulls me into a bathroom. I shriek, and fall on my ass, because I have no graceful bones in my body. He looks down at me and laughs, helping me up. "Sorry, I thought you had balance!" He laughs again. "Can I ask you something?" He looks at me, and I nod. "IsMikeygayandifheisishesingle?" He asks in one breath. I blink, trying to decipher what he said. "Come again?" I ask, cocking(haha xD) my head to the side. "Is Mikey gay? And if he is, is he single?" He asks, making sure to go slower than necessary, acting like I'm mentally slow, WHICH I'M NOT. I had to laugh at his nervousness. Mikey is the gayest guy I know. And I know a lot of gay people. "He has a unhealthy obsession with unicorn, he loves pink, and he fucking PRANCES everywhere. Doesn't that sound gay to you?" I ask, smirking. He blushes and looks down, mumbling something that sounds like 'I didn't know.' Or, at least I'm guessing that's what he said. That's what he said... Haha. Okay, immature jokes aside, time to go into big brother mode, just to scare the crap out of him. "What are you planning? Will you take care of him? If you won't I will find you I'm your sleep and rip your throat out." I growl at him, but ruining it by laughing. He just looks at me, clearly creeped out, probably thinking I escaped a mental hospital. "I was kidding dude. He's single and gay, so good luck." I pay his shoulder, then drag him out of the bathroom. I would have left him there, but I don't know where to go.

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