Chapter 4

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I can't believe they just did that right in front of me. I mean, I knew Frank would try something but I didn't think that he would do it in front of me. I think I'm scarred for life now. I SAW what Frank did to Gerard and I felt like laughing and throwing up at the same time. I was in the middle of my thoughts when Mikey walked in.

"What was that about? I saw Gerard walking towards the bathroom with a flustered look on his face." He sat down next to me, a confused look on his face.

I sighed, really not wanting to tell him what I saw. "Frank decided to try and seduce your brother." I whispered, horror clear in my voice. "And he decided to do it in front of me!" I shriek, making him laugh. Frank walks back into the room, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips.

"Hey." He says, a giant smile plastered to his face. "What are you guys talking about?" He asks, sitting back in the chair that he was in earlier.

"Oh nothing, just that you scarred me for the rest of my life." I say casually, rolling my eyes. "I would love it if you would seduce him on your own time and NOT IN FRONT OF ME!" I scream, throwing my hands in the air.

He just laughs. "Sorry, there was only one left and I really wanted to eat it." He smiles innocently towards me and Mikey. I glare at him while Mikey giggles his amazing giggle. Just then, my phone rings, breaking the silence.

"Hello?" I ask after flipping open the phone(fuck yeah).

"Ray! What's up?" Bob says in his usual chilled voice.

"Oh, hey Bob! I'm just hanging with Frank, Gerard and Mikey."

"Mikey, the 'hottest thing since Freddie Mercury' Mikey?"

I couldn't help but laugh a little at his mocking tone. "Yup, that's him!" I say, smiling like a doofus{A/N: Is that even a word? Oh well, it is now}. We talked for a little longer, just talking about what happened during school.

When I finally hung up, Gerard was back from the bathroom(Hopefully after sanitizing... Everything), and Mikey was playing Mario Kart with Frank, both of them screaming at each other. Gerard was watching, smiling slightly as Mikey pushes Frank to try and win. If anyone looked into the room, you would think that we had all been friends for years, and not just met each other less than 24 hours ago.

"Hey, guys" Gerard suddenly says, sitting up from his awkward position in the armchair. "Do you think your parents would let you stay over? Our parents won't be back until tomorrow."

As I expected, Frank replied less than a second after Gerard spoke. "My mom would probably be fine with it. Ray?"

"Yeah, sure. My mom would be one with it. Just let me text her and tell her where I am." They nod and I text her telling her I was staying at a friends house. She replied with a long message on how she was so happy that I had another friend and I almost snorted at it. After Frank called his mom and told her about staying over, we(more like Gerard) decided that we should do sleeping arrangements. So apparently I'm now going to sleep in Mikey's room for the night. Just me and him alone in his room all night. This is going to suck(not literally, unfortunately).

Two hours of beating each other in video games later, and its nine o'clock, time to migrate to Mikey's room. I take a deep breath and walk in, immediately losing my breath again. The walls are a Navy Blue, but you could barley see it under a ton of band posters, mostly Anthrax and *Fangirl squeal* IRON MAIDEN!!! He has nerdy(but cute, because, well, it's MIKEY). There's comics everywhere, along with a sparkly bass sitting in the corner. My mouth drops, and Mikey walks past, giggles, and pushes my jaw back up. But it drops again, making him giggle again.

"Do you like it? I got it last year for Christmas. I'm pretty awesome, if I do say so myself." He says in an overly cocky tone and smiles, hinting that he was joking. I laugh and sit down on his black and blue bed, still looking around the room. Besides the ever-vomiting wardrobe, his room is really clean.

"It's cool. Is that a Mustang Bass?"

"Yeah, actually." He laughed. "It's custom made."

"That's cool. What can you play?" I ask, genuinely interested.

"I can play a choke songs by Iron Maiden and like, all Anthrax songs."

I smiled. "Can you play Aces High?"

"Yeah, one second." He got up and got his Bass, and sat back down, closer to me than before(not that I'm complaining). He started the intro, and I just stared. He was absolutely amazing. He finished the song and stared at his feet, waiting for my reaction.


"Is it that bad?" He asks, his face dropping even more.

"No! It's amazing, did you teach yourself?"

He blushes. "Yeah. I kinda refused to have lessons." I laughed. This dude is perfect.

I just hope that he likes me too.


Did I just do a whole chapter in not just one P.O.V., but RAY'S P.O.V.? Yes. Hello! ^-^ I've recently figured out that I'm in love with comments, so I've decided that for the next chapter, I need AT LEAST two votes and four comments. Thanks! ^-^

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