Chapter Seventeen

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Another update!

This chapter is dedicated to Collective_WillSinge and elainelopezoxox

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

I'm making another TC fan fiction but I don't know which one of the guys should I choose to be the leading man of my main character. I'm bouncing between Jayden and Trent...

Anyway, just message me please!!! Thanks!

Much love,




"You again?! What the hell?!" she said.

"Oh why princess bitch? Are you scared?" he mockingly asked.

"I'm not scared and stop calling me a bitch!" she yelled.

"Whatever." Then he turned to Ella and John and said to the other guys that were with him, "Go ahead. Start."

"Wait! What are you gonna do to them?!" Janelle asked with a hint of worry in her eyes and voice.

"You'll find out." he said.

And in an instant, Ella and John were both screaming in pain as the whiplash stung their skin.

"Stop! Please!!!" Janelle pleaded in tears. "Please!!! What the heck do you really want with me?! Please! Just stop! I-I'll do anything just stop hurting them! Anything! Just don't kill them!"

"Anything?" he asked. She nodded frantically then the guy gave a signal to his men to set her free. They untied her but held each of her arms strongly.

"Be my girlfriend." he said.

"What?!" she said in shock.

"I said be my girlfriend!" he said.

"No!!!" she said. "No! This is bullshit! No!"

"Nuh-uh! You said you'd do anything. Then go and accept my offer!!!" Then the two guys who were holding her let go of her. She cried as she shook her head.

"Do you want your beloved auntie and uncle to die? Oh... That guy... William Singe. Do you want him to die as well?"

She looked at him with anger and disgust in her eyes, "Don't you ever dare to lay a finger on him!" she said as she kicked him in the face but he managed to caught her ankle and then tossed her onto the floor, making her cry even more in pain and fear.

He kicked her hip and she winced in pain.

"Janelle!!!" Ella cried.

"Oliver, don't you think this is too much?" the guy who looked like an 18-year old said. "We would go to jail because of this!"

"Jake, the members of our gang had been in and out of the jail and did this gang ceased? Tell me, is there a time that made this gang stop?"

The other guy fell silent and Janelle knew that that guy isn't as cold-hearted as this Oliver guy in front of her is.

Oliver turned to back to Janelle and pulled her hair up, "Are you gonna accept my offer or you'll watch these two people right in front of you die?!" he said.

"No! I'm not accepting your offer!" she hissed.

He smirked as he slammed her head back onto the floor and with a blink of an eye, her head started to bleed outside.

"JANELLE!!! Please don't do whatever he tells you to do!" John shouted. "He's just manipulating you!!!"

"Shut up old man!" Oliver yelled at him as he punched him with a brass knuckle.

"Uncle John!!!" Janelle cried. "Don't hurt them! Please! I'll do it! I'll do it!!!"

He smirked as he crossed his arms.

"Janelle!!!" Ella cried.

Oliver clapped his hands. "Alright. Let them go." he ordered and his men set Ella and John free.

"Good girl." he said as he patted her head. "Now, you'll do as I say and if you ever try to betray me, the people that are closest to your heart are gonna die." Then he laughed evilly then left already with his men.


"Crash!!!" The glass from the kitchen at The Collective's apartment that night came off.

William was trying to make himself a cup of green tea when he accidentally dropped his mug.

"Oi! What the hell was that Will?" Zach asked.

"Are you okay?" Trent asked.

"I don't know..." William said.

William had been feeling very nervous ever since Janelle left ahead of them. He couldn't explain the feeling of uneasiness in his heart and because of this, he couldn't think and act properly during their celebration at Macca's so he hadn't really enjoyed it.

"What's wrong? You've been acting so weird ever since Janelle left." Trent continued.

William got the broom and dustpan from the closet nearby and started sweeping the shattered pieces of his mug.

"I don't know... It's just... I have a bad feeling that I let Janelle head off and not celebrate with us." He replied as he put the shattered pieces in the rubbish bin.

"Relax. She'll be okay." Jayden said.

"What was that?" Julian said while yawning and rubbing his eyes. He was dressed in his white pj's with thick blue stripes running down the fabric. He was the first one to go to bed because he got really exhausted that night because of their performance earlier.

"Go back to bed Jules." Trent ordered like he was like his older brother or something. Well, they treat each other like brothers now, anyway.

"That would be a great idea." he said sleepily then he lazily dragged his feet and went back to his room.

"She'll be okay." Zach said as he patted him on his shoulder.

But somehow, he still didn't feel relieved at all. He knew that there was something going wrong.

"I'd better go now." William said as he got his keys from the key holder and headed to the garage door.

"Hey! Where ya going?!" Jayden asked as he followed him. "It's already late!"

He didn't answer and just hopped in his car and drove away.


Ella and John ran up to Janelle and she was really badly wounded. They both hugged her as she sobbed in their arms.

"Please don't tell Will what happened. He doesn't have the right to know." she cried hysterically then her vision became all black.

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