Chapter Three

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Another update!



Much love,



Janelle got up early and decided to go for some early morning stroll. She washed her face then she wear her purple shirt, navy blue tights and her rubber shoes.

She left a note at the fridge, saying that she'll be back for lunch.

With her pink jumper tied around her waist, she went out of their house. She put on her earphones and put her MP3 into shuffle. The first song that came up was 'Before It Explodes' by Alexandra Burke featuring Bruno Mars.

She started jogging from her house to the nearby oval. As she was jogging, she felt two strong hands pull her waist and right earphone out.

"What the hell?!" she said then when she turned around, she found out that it's just William.

"Oh... It 's just you." She said. "I swear, if you're gonna do that again, I wouldn't be having a second thought of punching you in the face." Then he laughed. "I thought you were some kind of rapist or something." she continued.

"Does this face look like a rapist?" William asked while pointing at himself. She looked at him and said, "Yeah. But the difference is that all of the girls would never resist you. In fact, they would be more happy if you rape them."

He laughed, "So that means that when I rape you, you wouldn't resist me? That you would be happy if I do that to you?" he asked cheekily and then he earned a strong punch on the stomach from Janelle.

"Ouch!" he winced.

"Okay. All of the girls, except for me." she said as she rolled her eyes. Then she started jogging again, with one of her earphones in her ear. Then he later on joined her.

"So... Excited about our performance this Friday?" He asked her.

"No. Not really. More like nervous." she said then when they already reached the oval, they stopped jogging and just walked slowly.

"Don't be, okay? You sound perfect yesterday, you know."

"That's yesterday. What if lose my voice next week? Or what if I crack in front of many people? It's not that easy performing in front of many people."

"I know. I get that feeling every time when we perform."

Then she laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" William asked her.

"Are you serious? You always get nervous when we perform?!" Janelle asked like she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Yeah... I'm serious." he said.

"Are you fuckin' kidding me?! Dude, you were like the most confident of all of us in the singing group when you're singing on stage!!!" she exclaimed.

"Trust me, I'm really nervous every time we perform on stage."


Then she shook her head while they were both laughing.

"Anyway, I'd be practising this afternoon in my house. Wanna come? I'll invite the others too." William said.

"Okay. Cool." Janelle replied then suddenly, a man bumped her accidentally and he was hugely built that she fell down onto the damp grass.

"Far out!" she muttered under her breath.

"Janelle, are you okay?" William asked as he helped her stood up.

"Are you blind or just stupid?!" Janelle shouted to the guy. "Didn't you see me?!"

"Oh... Sorry. I didn't see you. It's because you're short." The guy said while smiling. Then Janelle could feel her blood boil and rise up to 75%.

"Dude, that's just disrespectful. You could've just apologized and walk away rather than insulting her." William said as he stood between him and Janelle.

One thing that Janelle hated was that when people tease her about her height.

"Oh really?" she said as she smirked. "Then let me make you see me." Then she pushed William out of the way and reached up and punched the guy on his face.

And so, the guy became dizzy and then lost his consciousness.

"Whoa! Janelle!" William said as he checked on the guy to confirm that he was unconscious and really was. "Janelle, what did you do?!"

"Taught him a lesson." Janelle said casually.

"Jannie, you knocked him out! You knocked a guy out!" he said frantically.

"What did you just call me?" she asked.

"Jannie, short for Janelle." he replied with a lopsided grin.

"Oh okay. But anyway, I don't care if I knocked him out. He'll wake up later on." she replied coolly.

"And what if he doesn't?"

"Then... Tough."

"Jannie, you could've killed him!"

"Well, it's his fault for teasing me about my height!"

William rolled his eyes and tried to wake up the guy and thank goodness that he did woke up.

"I'm really sorry about what happened." William said as they both stood up.

"Whatever." the guy said then walked off while wiping his bloody nose.

"See? Told ya he'd wake up." Janelle said.

"Yeah but you're hands are like made of metal!" He said. "You punch hard, you know! Think I got a bruise now on my stomach."

"Overreacting much?" she said as she rolled her eyes. "You don't have to be paranoid and stuff... Trust me, I've already punched a thousand guys before in the face because they are being such an ass."

"You're scary. Now I know why you haven't had any boyfriend yet."

"Excuse me, I was waiting for the right guy."

"Yeah but it probably got hit by a truck."

Then they both laughed and she playfully whacked his head.

"Hey! You're so violent!" William said. "Stop being so violent! Stop being such a bully!!!" And they continued mocking around.

Then he tickled her on the waist and lifted her and spun her around and that resulted more into fits of laughter.

"Will!!!" she screamed. "Put me down!" Then they both laughed even harder as he tackled her onto the ground and continued to tickle her more.

"For god's sake Will! Stop!!! You're killing me!!!" she said while laughing her heart off.

And for the first time in her life, she had never been so happy with anyone like this.

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