Chapter Twelve

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Another update!!!



Much love,



"Woohoooo!!!! Yay! Finally!!!" Sean and Luke cheered and while William and Janelle were kissing under the rain and then they both slowly pulled away from each other, his forehead colliding gently with hers.

"I love you Janelle Harper." William said gently.

"I love you too William Singe." Janelle replied.

"Now, enough of sucking each other's face. Get inside now! It's raining, for god's sake!!!" Alexander said cheekily and they all laughed.

"Wanna go now?" William asked Janelle.

"I really don't want to but we need to, right?" Janelle replied as they both giggled then gave each other a quick kiss before they both pulled away.

"Get back inside. I'll just park the car in the indoor parking lot." William said then he went in his car while Janelle ran back into the shed where their other fellow members in the singing group were standing.

"Finally!!! He asked you to be his girlfriend!!!" Sean said.

"After the long wait!" Angelina cheered.

"Damn! You two would make a hell of a great couple!!!" Taylah said.

"Would you tell your uncle and auntie about your relationship with him?" Amy asked.

"Well... We haven't talked about that yet." She said uneasily.

Then a few minutes later, William came back and joined them.

"Maeve's asking us to come back inside for a group picture." He said as went to Janelle, his hand holding her waist.

"Okay but shouldn't you two change first? Cause both of you are hell wet." Daniel said.

"Yeah. We will." William said and they all went back inside.


"One... Two... Three. Smile!!!" The Principal, Mr. Wakefield said as he clicked the camera to take their group photo.

After that, they all separated ways.

"I'm so proud of you, honey." Ella said as she hugged Janelle and gave her a bunch of roses.

"You did great." John said as he patted his head.

"Thanks Auntie and Uncle." Janelle replied with a smile.

"Um... Auntie, Uncle... I have something to tell both of you." she said.

"What is it?" John asked.


"Honey, if you don't wanna tell us right now, it's okay." Ella said as she smiled warmly at her. "Just tell us when you're ready, okay?"

"Okay." Janelle said. "Can I just say goodbye to William?"

"Okay, honey. We'll be waiting for you at the indoor parking lot." Ella said then she and John left.

Janelle then turned around and searched for William and luckily, she found him.

"William!" She called out happily and he turned and smiled as he ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hey Janelle!" He said. "We all did well tonight, didn't we?"

"Yeah... Well, it's because you're there." Janelle said while smiling playfully.

"Oh stop it!" he said as he lifted her chin up and pecked her lips. "Can I see you tomorrow again?"

"Of course. What time?"

"About 11-ish?"

"Sounds good. By the way, Will, we also need to clarify things between us. Tonight has been really..."

"A big night, I know."

"Yeah and we're already both tired so I guess we just have to talk about our relationship tomorrow."

"Great idea. So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, okay. See ya tomorrow."

"Bye. Goodnight Jannie."

"Bye and goodnight too Liam." Then she winked at him and they both laughed and then both went separate ways.


"Janelle, wake up!!!" Ella called out from outside of Janelle's room while knocking on the door.

Janelle opened her eyes and sat up on her bed, annoyed. She hates being interrupted from her sleep, especially when she knew that the day must be a rest day for her. Well, who does want to be interrupted from their sleep anyways?

"Yeah?" She croaked. "What? This should better be important auntie."

"I baked some blueberry muffins downstairs!" Ella replied.

"Isn't it too early for sweets?"

"I think I wouldn't consider 3 o'clock in the afternoon as early."

Janelle looked at her clock and found out that it was true. It's already 3 in the afternoon and then her eyes widened in shock when she remembered that William would be coming over.

"Shit!!!!" Janelle screamed and jumped off her bed and quickly jumped into the bathroom and took a bath. After five minutes, she was all good to go.

She ran downstairs and to her own recklessness, she slipped over the stairs but William managed to caught her in his arms.

"You should be careful, you know." William said as he kissed her. She giggled and then he helped her stood up properly then she went down to where William was standing.

"I'm so sorry Will! I swear, I didn't forget that you are gonna come over. I overslept, in fact." Janelle said. "I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, Jannie." He said then he tried to kiss her but she stopped him by putting her two fingers on his mouth.

"Why did you do that?" He asked.

"My auntie and uncle might see us." She said softly, more like whispering..

"You don't need to worry; they are not looking anyway and besides, they are already creating their own universe there in the kitchen so I guess it's our turn then too."

"Naww... You naughty boy!" Then she kissed him on the lips.

"So... You said that you wanna talk about us?" William suddenly said as they both sat on the couch.

"William, I want us to be a legal couple. You know, I'll introduce you to my uncle and auntie then you'll introduce me to your parents." Janelle said whilst looking in his eyes.

Then he laughed and said, "I was gonna say the same thing to you too."


"Yeah. Last night, I really wanted you to come over to our house and introduce you to my parents but it's already late at night and we're all tired so...."

They both smiled at each other and held hands.

"Janelle?!" Ella burst out when she and John saw the two of them holding hands. "What's the meaning of this?!"


Sorry if the chapter is a bit short. I'm really having a crappy week at home and I can't really concentrate here on my fan fiction but I'm trying my best not to let it affect me.

Thanks for understanding!

Much love,


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