Chapter 1: New York

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The last few days have been amazing. I have been watching Elena adjust, and I watched as the Slavatores and the pack try and figure out what to do. The Salvatores only care about Elena, while the pack cares mostly about me. I'm a little offended they think that I can't handle myself. Oh well.

Today is the day, Elena goes back to school. Everyone is baby-ing her, and trying to make sure she doesn't eat anyone. Personally, I don't care. 

By the end of the day, Elena is on the stupid cheerleading squad. I watch as she follows a competitor to the bus. I see her go inside.

"I like your ribbon." My sister says. 

"Thanks." The girls says.

"I want it."

"I'm using it, so go get your own." The girl says, trying to get past Elena. I smirk as Elena bites down on her neck. I enter the bus and watch as Elena takes the ribbon out of her hair. 

"Elena, you should stop before she dies." I say, getting her attention.

"Izzy, didn't know you were still in town." Elena says, wiping her mouth. 

"Well, I don't really care what you thought. I care about if you will help me."

"I don't care about that."

"I want to find Katherine. Tell me if you change your mind and want to help. It might get the Salvatores to stop baby-ing you, and stop them from trying to make you turn it back on." I say, turning and exiting the bus. 


I get a text from Elena later in the day saying that there is a party at the boarding house. Perfect place to talk to her about Katherine. 

I arrive and see Elena dancing on top of a table and Stefan and Caroline flirting. I start dancing with random guys, when I see Elena walk up to sheriff Forbes. I walk up and see her attack the sheriff when Caroline rushes to help. 

Caroline pushes Elena out of the way, as Stefan comes too. I grab Elena's arm and we whoosh out to the woods. 

"Well, attacking the sheriff. Not your best performance Elena." I say, letting go.

"Well, she was going to stop me from having fun." She says with a shrug.

"You do know that we are on the same side right?"

"That you do't have emotions either? I know that, but what confuses me is what you want with Katherine."

"Well, she killed Jeremy. She deserves to be punished. Plus if I kill her, no one will make me turn it back on. How well do you think, either one of us, will react if we killed someone. Especially Katherine Pierce."

"So, you want to stay with no feelings, and your plan is to kill Katherine?"

"Not just Katherine." I say, walking up to her, "Everyone." I then hear Stefan and Caroline calling for Elena. "You friends are calling. Don't tell them I'm here. If you do I might have to kill you." 

I walk away and watch as Elena and Caroline fight. I watch as Stefan and Damon stop my sister from killing the whinny bitch. 

I follow Damon and Elena back to the house. I watch as they argue and get into the car. I hot wire a car to follow them, into the night.


We all arrive at New York and Elena and Damon go to feed. I go to a bar, and what for their arrival. One thing Klaus told me was that I could sense the future. I sensed that Lydia and Scott were going to go into Stiles head. I now think that Elena and Damon will go to a certain bar called Billy's. 

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