Chapter 15: Bonnie Bennett's Funeral

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Again, in this chapter the italicized parts are flashbacks not visions unless specified

The first week of school went great, other than the fact that Stiles has been trash talking Theo at every turn.

Overtime he says something, I roll my eyes. Theo is hot, he can't be that evil.

We all get to school, and I have an open period with everyone else. Stiles has come up with another theory how Theo isn't who he says he is.

I get a call from Jeremy. I stand up and walk towards the back of the library and pick up.


"You're not hearing me Damon." I hear Jeremy say. I guess he butt-dialed me. "Magic finds a balance. I'm not supposed to be here. Bonnie brought me back."

"No..." I hear Damon sigh. I keep listening.

"You can't just bring somebody back from the dead. There is always a price to pay for it."

"Don't say it, Jeremy. Don't you dare."

"She didn't show up to her dad's funeral, Damon." I furrow my eyebrows. Bonnie's dad died? Why was I not notified?! "Nobody has spoken to her all summer."

"You say it and everything in Elena's life goes to crap, do you understand me? Everything changes! Don't..." I suddenly understand what they are saying. I put a hand over my mouth, holding in the sobs. I hold my phone and run out of the room.

As I pass the table where the others are, Scott grabs my arm but I just give him the phone, and run out. As I run through the doors, I hear Jeremy say from my phone, "Bonnie's dead."


I go home, pack a bag, and go straight back to Mystic Falls. The flight stops in Tennessee and I have a connecting flight. When I get on the flight, I see a familiar face sit next to me.


"Izzy? Hey, didn't know you were going home." Tyler says, hugging me. "Do you--?"

"About Bonnie, ya." I say, slouching. Luckily Kol has decided not to torture me today. Tyler and I spend the flight talking. He has been helping wolf packs, and I told him about the dead pool.

We get to Mystic Falls and get ready for the funeral. Tyler gets into a suit, while I get into a black dress. We stop by a flower shop to get flowers. He gets a white rose, while I grab a daisy.

We then walk into the forest and Caroline turns as our footsteps get louder. She runs to Tyler while I walk over to Elena. She tackles me, crying as I pat her back. I give her to Damon, and both Tyler and I put down our flowers.

Tyler goes to Caroline, Elena is with Damon, so I go to Matt and hug him. Tears are falling down everyone's faces. I look up and see Bonnie holding Jeremy's hand. I smile at her, but she doesn't notice.

Everyone starts to walk away crying. Jeremy is the last to go. "I'm sorry you had to go through that alone." I whisper as he passes me.

"It's fine. Come to the house soon, before dark. Stefan has some memory issues and might be on a ripper binge." I look at him weirdly as he smiles. He then walks away.

I walk up to the tree trunk with Bonnie's memorial. "Bonnie, I know you are there." I say, out loud.

"Izzy..." I turn to see Bonnie looking at me in surprise. "How can you see me?"

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