Chapter 17: The Dread Doctors

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I am sitting in AP Biology listening to Mrs. Finch talking about DNA.

"Can there be more than one species in the same DNA?" Kira asks.

"No, but there can be multiple sets of DNA in the same individual. We call it a chimera. Anyone know where that term comes from?" Mrs. Finch asks. "Sydney."

"Greek Mythology..." I stop listening and start to doodle.

"Drop form!" Mrs. Finch says, making e pick my head up. "All those acutely aware they do not belong in this class, you should fill one out." She gives two kids the drop forms and continues, "The rest will be on my desk." Everyone starts to get up and Scott grabs one of the forms.

I walk up to Mrs. Finch and ask "May I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course. Something wrong?"

"I was wondering if you knew of a really good place to get blood work done."

"The hospital." She looks at me, like I'm crazy.

"Like specialized tests..."

"The hospital would be the best place for that. Are you ok Izzy?"

"I'm fine, thanks." I say, walking out. I walk to my locker and put my things away. I close my locker to see Scott. "Jesus!" I say, almost smacking him.

"What were you talking about?" He asks, nonchalantly.

"None of your business." I say walking around him.

"Yes, it is." He says, grabbing my arm. I yank it out of his hands and yelp in pain. I grab my arm and realize it's the same one that Tessa cut. "Last time you did that, you were tortured."

"Scott, I-"

"Izzy, you have to tell me! I can help."

"No, you can't. I just hurt it the other day." I say.

"The other day? It should have healed by now." He grabs my arm agains and pushes my sleeve down to reveal a long scar. I rip my arm away.

"Well, I still feel sensitive, ok?" I growl. Before he can respond I run to my car and drive to my apartment.

I don't get out of the car, rather I stay and slam my hand down on the wheel. "GOD!" I scream. I feel something rushing down my face, and see my nose is bleeding.

I run inside to stop the bleeding. I take a tissue and hold my nose. I sit on the couch sighing. I take out my phone and call Lacey.

"Izzy, didn't expect a call."

"Could you come to my apartment? I need a favor."

"Be there in a hour."

I sigh and fall asleep.

I wake up as I hear knocking. I stand up, and let Lacey in. "What do you need, kiddo?" She then stops and looks at my face.

"I need your help."


After Lacey leaves, I get into bed. I look around and my eyes land on the spell she left me. I slowly drift off into sleep.

I look around in my dream to see Stiles fixing his car. I yell out and he turns. He then turns back to his car, as another boy walks up behind him. I scream out as the boy's hand turns into a mouth. The boy slams his hand onto Stiles' shoulder and Stiles screams.

I see Stiles try to get the boy off of him. He slams his wrench into the boy's skull. He then runs to the library, with the boy not far behind him.

The New Isabella Gilbert (Sequel to TTG)- DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now