Chapter 9: The Bonfire

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Scott walks me home and helps me inside. "Scott, you don't have to baby me." I say, lying down on my bed.

"I have a question for you." He says, sitting on a chair.

"Shoot." I say, turning to face him.

"When I was trying to wake you up, I saw something." I sit up.

"What do you mean?"

"Not something, someone." He looks me straight in the eyes. I can't take it, so I look straight behind him, at a smirking Kol.

"Who?" I ask. looking at Kol.

"Kol." He says, as Kol says, "Me, darling."

"Why would you see Kol, I mean he's dead, so why would that happen? Are you sure you saw Kol, or--"

"Izzy. I defiantly saw Kol." I stay silent as Kol chuckles.

"I don't see him, if that's what you're asking." I lie.

"No, I'm not saying that. I'm asking if you know anything about that."

"No. I don't know anything about that...." I realize that I am rambling. "Maybe it was just a side effect of the virus. You shouldn't be too worried."

"Alright, well I'll leave you to sleep." Scott says standing. "Good night."

"Night Scott." I say. I hear the door close and I start to strip.

"Beautiful body love." I roll my eyes at Kol's remark. I get into a tank top and some shorts, and get into bed. "You do know I won't let you sleep, right?"

"Then I might die before you come back and get revenge." I say. I then start to drift into sleep.

Just before I fall asleep, Kol starts to rant about humans. I'm going to be in for a long night.


I stay up all night listening to Kol. Every time I am a second away from sleep, Kol starts talking. This continues until for 24 hours.

I finally get up and go to the kitchen for some food. Kol follows me talking about how he was the innocent one. I reach my phone and see a text from Stiles that was sent in the morning. I read the text and run out of the house. Kol, intrigued, follows me.

I get to Scott's house and find him sitting on the couch. "Izzy, you should be in bed." Scott says, standing. I look him over, as tears come to my eyes.

"Why? Why did you do it?" I scream, slapping him.


"No, no! You leave me alone for one day, ONE DAY! And I find out that you died for an hour to lure the Benefactor out? Why did you do it? WHY! I could have done it Scott! Why did you have to risk your life again?!"

"Izzy, we let you rest. You have been through so much---"

"No. Scott, if you plan on dying, you pick up the fucking phone, and call me! Call until I pick up! Don't wait until you are actually dead to text me!"


"Stop Scott. I have lost to many fucking people in my life. If there is the slightest chance that anyone left might die... What if you did die, huh? Did you even think of that?"

"Love, calm down." I hear Kol say from the door. I ignore him, and feel my eyes come out.

"Izzy," Scott says calmly, as he puts his hand on my shoulder. He shows me his red eyes and says, "Calm down."

The New Isabella Gilbert (Sequel to TTG)- DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now