Chapter 8: The PSATs

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I go home and call Elena for the first time since we turned our humanity back on.

"Hey El." I say, sheepishly.

"Hey Iz. How are you?"

"I'm okay. You?"

"Great" There is a long awkward silence.

"Well I have the PSATs tomorrow."

"Oh, good luck. You'll do great." Elena says.

"Yeah..." I say, tapping the table. "Well, talk to you later."

"Bye." Elena says, before hanging up.

I spend the rest of the night studying, and listening to Kol gloat about how much I'm worth.


I get to school and go straight to Scott, Stiles, Malia and Kira.

"Nervous?" I ask.

"Not as nervous as you should be." Malia says.

"What do you mean?"

"30 Million?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I didn't come up with the list." I mumble. "It's only three hours right? I can survive that long." I say, as we are ushered into the room. A man gets my finger print and I reluctantly give up my phone. The man looks at me and smiles. I smile back, but get a bad feeling about him.

I sit down as the man explains how much time we will have for each portion. Lydia's mom goes to find Coach, but comes back alone. The man then says, "You may now open your test booklets and begin." I look through the first page and know almost every answer. I can tell both Stiles and Malia are having trouble.

I look over and see a very faint girl named Sydney. I ask her a silent question, but she nods it off. A few seconds later I hear a thump, and see that she fell off the chair. I get up and help her, as Lydia's mom does the same.

"Sydney are you ok?" I ask.

"Ya, I just felt dizzy." She says, as Lydia's mother grabs her wrist.

"How long have you had this?" She asks. I look and see a big red splotch with vein like lines coming from the center.

"I don't know."

"Ms. Martin, do I need to stop the test?" The man asks.

"No, it's fine." Lydia's mom says, as I sit back down. She walks up to the front and takes her phone. "Everyone stay seated, I'll be back in a minute." She then whispers to the man, "Nobody leaves this room." I look over at Scott, who looks worried.

I few moments later I hear Ms. Martin yelling at some kids to get out of the school. I walk out as she says, "Back to your seats, now." I walk back in and exchange a look with Scott and Stiles.

"Oh, something big is happening darling." I hear from behind. I listen as Ms. Martin calls someone on her phone.

"I need the number of the CDC. Yes, the center for disease control."


About 15 minutes later, we all walk outside the class room to see people in yellow hazmat suits walking in.

Scott walks with Sydney, while I stay with Stiles, Malia and Kira. Kol keeps whispering things about how we are all gonna die, and how we are doomed. I focus all my energy on blocking him out.

The New Isabella Gilbert (Sequel to TTG)- DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now